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Possible MP Improvements

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 8:44 pm

Possible MP Improvements

First off, do you guys think DA will follow through with this game?

Right away id like a patch for bug fixes. Single player mode was fairly solid, no real bugs I can think of. Multiplayer is fairly touchy, servers seem to crash a lot, and that wouldnt be so bad except that you loose all the work youve done.

I really hope a large MOD community forms around this game, because it has so much potential. Think about it, 128 players is a fairly lage number, that approaches persistent state size...

Here are some improvements id like to see for the MP:

- Make server available for linux. This will increase server stability, and the number of server installations possible. I know id host a smaller size server on my linux box if I could.

- Game Master options, like changing commodity and equipment prices...

- In MP mode, people are more interested in PC interaction, not NPC interaction, tone down pirates and police, they seem to be everywhere all the time...

Anyway, I could go on and on, I think Freelancer MP has a lot of potential, but I think its sort of weak right now. I hope MODers pick up on this. I think you coudl definitely build a small sized persistant game around Freelancer MP.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 10:11 pm

Yeah, would be great if the ****ing multiplayer actually worked!!!

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 10:12 pm

#1. Its likely, if they aren't too busy.

#2. That'll probably come, most companies release atleast a few patches.

#3. According to DA 128 servers or larger shouldn't be a real problem as the game's MP code was originally meant for MMORPG.

#4. Microsoft published Freelancer...
You'd have to be pretty dense (no real offense intended) to think they're going to allow the server to run on linux. Why not port Microsoft office to linux while they're at it.

#5. Make that more "random" or true "supply and demand" rather than game master.

#6. Thats absurd, its all the NPC action that makes this universe "alive" instead of the usual MMORPG environs where they stand around and twiddle their sticks till you click on them.

First off, do you guys think DA will follow through with this game?

Right away id like a patch for bug fixes. Single player mode was fairly solid, no real bugs I can think of. Multiplayer is fairly touchy, servers seem to crash a lot, and that wouldnt be so bad except that you loose all the work youve done.

I really hope a large MOD community forms around this game, because it has so much potential. Think about it, 128 players is a fairly lage number, that approaches persistent state size...

Here are some improvements id like to see for the MP:

- Make server available for linux. This will increase server stability, and the number of server installations possible. I know id host a smaller size server on my linux box if I could.

- Game Master options, like changing commodity and equipment prices...

- In MP mode, people are more interested in PC interaction, not NPC interaction, tone down pirates and police, they seem to be everywhere all the time...

Anyway, I could go on and on, I think Freelancer MP has a lot of potential, but I think its sort of weak right now. I hope MODers pick up on this. I think you coudl definitely build a small sized persistant game around Freelancer MP.

Kickin' it back to the TCS Tiger's Claw

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:42 pm

as I pointed on in a different thread, its not upto DA to release the patch. They have to have microsofts permission to release a patch. I hope that microsoft allows them to release a patch.

Look at Motocross madness 2. Runs well, mostly bug free. Only problem, and this killed off the Multiplayer, was that people were able to modify their bikes powercurve. No way for the person running the server to stop it, or even track it. The company that made the game had a patch and fixed the problems, but MS wouldnt allow them to release it. I know this doesnt sound right, but thats just the way MS is. Now if enough people complain they just might release a patch. And I really hope that MS will let them release it, but I wouldnt get your hopes up until you see a patch.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 1:59 pm

Okay that's an example of MS not releasing a patch...but they DID release a patch for AOE2 (as well as the expansion).

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 11:34 pm

Haha, I agree that a linux server is a pipe dream... a very pleasant pipe dream, but a pipe dream nonetheless. Right now I'm hosting mine on a pretty mid level dual processor box running Windows, whereas if I could run it under Linux I could throw it on a quad-Xeon server with 4GB RAM.

As for commodity/equipment prices, can't you modify this already? If I had any time at all, I would probably be knee-deep in modifying my server, creating custom missions, etc., but work rears its ugly head.

Oh well. A patch is definitely indicated, the server's memory leak issues really do suck.

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