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My 38-ranked profile is lost....

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 8:27 am

Just do what I did.. start your own server! I have yet to experience a crash with it. and I also run my client on it (knock on wood) 32 person server.. on my crappy computer and it runs well..

256mb of crappy 2100 ddr ram (soon to be 512, my last 256 stick was defective)
1700+athlon XP (Asus A7S333 mobo)
64meg GeForce Ti4200
LVD SCSI drives
With XP service pack 1a

client runs as well tickity boo.. g'luck if ya try..

Taste Death,
Live LIfe[!

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 9:42 am

You might all be interested to know that there is an other game using a similar server model. It's Neverwinter Nights by Bioware. Characters are saved on the server to avoid hacking. There's only a difference, Bioware's anti-cheating methods work, characters don't get corrupt and servers don't crash.

Well ok, maybe I'm a little harsh... But my point is that there as being ALOT of discussion about that server model on Bioware's official forum and they came to a conclusion:
1- If people save on there computer, they can easily cheat
2- Characters cannot be transferred between servers because of moding and well, reason #1 (anyone could start there own server, cheat the save then transfer it)

I'd like to add #3:
3- Allowing people to export characters for single player game is cool

I recommend you check Bioware's forum posts (it could be VERY long to read) if you don't like the way Freelancer's server work, you may find it enlightening.

Oh and I think Freelancer (the game, not the server) is a really good game (I has NEVER crashed on my computer, NWN has) and no, I don't work for Bioware ;-)

To finish, dear god we really need a better server software ! I feel like a beta tester using that thing (it has crashed many time because of a corrupt characters... I think...).

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:45 pm

Well...that is is interesting indeed. I do understand the concept now, but people are cheating right now regardless of player profiles. How could one dude start at 10:00pm with a ranking of 1 and by midnight have a ranking of 38? hm?

I would'nt know how to cheat even if I wanted to, and I believe most gamers are the same way. I am confident that player profiles would be safe from cheating 99% of the time if they were stored on the players computer instead of the server.

Besides, I'd rather face a cheater in the game than not be able to even get to my player/carachter ever.

Nice input, nevertheless.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 7:18 pm

i play on a private passworeded server that a friend runs. If it ever goes down, he will give me the database file so I may run the server with my character intact.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 8:06 pm

you lucky b@stard!
if only others would do the same.....

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 3:48 am

I'm not done with this thread!!!!
I still want some answers, or help, or whatever....

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 12:40 am

I guess the thread is done with you than.

its gone, they closed it, and even if they reopen, I guess after your little show you are definatly unwanted.

host your own server if its so bad for you to lose a stupid charakter that you can have withhin 3 hours of playing, if you actually know what your doing.

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