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My 38-ranked profile is lost....

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 8:11 am

My 38-ranked profile is lost....

I made it to a rank of 38 in an MP server named _killing zone_
and now the server is not listed. Could my file be gone forever?

I am deeply concerned about this. I think if a player invests that much time in any game they should be able to reserve their ranking on any server! The way this is done is perposterous.

(I said perposterous!)

Oh well...anyone play on _killing zone_ and not find it tonight (or all day?)

Does'nt anyone else see how bad this is?

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 8:27 am

Well that must suck. You really got screwed dude. Don't you think so Stinger?

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 9:22 am

I just got screwed again. Flew for an hour and a half on a new server, made it to level 3 then BAM! the server went down and my new achievement will be lost. Along with my new ship and 10,000 of hard earned credits.

Again, I am really disappointed in DA for the poor quality with the MP structure.

I sure wish I could keep my MP player profile info on my machine....

(and I know what you fanboys will say, "there was'nt even going to be a mp game, or the MP game is merely a token gesture on behalf of DA..." or something like that. I say, if you do it, do it well. Why do something half ass? Hell, they had like 4 or 5 years to make this game....)

Edited by - smudge on 09-03-2003 09:33:16

Edited by - smudge on 10-03-2003 06:53:55

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 9:50 am

Uhm...maybe the server went down cuz of its owner? Its not always DA/MS's fault. Try contacting the owner of the server first before going wild.

- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 7:59 pm

eb is right, da/ms have nothing to do with server hosting, except that they (try) to run the global server list ...

though the server structure is imo still not really ideal, a like strukture with persistent servers I would have prefered definatly. (which means, a central place to host a chat, join servers and save characters, while the servers are hosted from the players like it is now)

but well da/ms choose the way nearly every fps on the planet is going, and its not that bad anyway. you just have to be carefull what servers you chose to play at.

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:09 pm

I completely understand what you guys mean, however, I have never played a mp game that you needed to advance such as an RPG. So, in many ways, I was blind to that idea.

However, I never intended to slam MS/DA, as I knew they had nothing to do with the servers, just the MP game aspect. That is what I was questioning.

I do indeed love the MP and SP game modes, both are great. Probably the best game I have ever played, which is why I am so upset. I worked my ass off to get to level 38 in MP WITHOUT cheating, and the server is gone, and with it, my player profile.

Besides, how was I to know what was a good server? They all look ok....

Anyway, thanks for your replies....I know you see and understand why I am frustrated.


Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:15 pm

I think your missing his point. Hes not upset so much that the server went down but his investment in time is resting in the hands of some one who may not give 2 cents about him or his effort in developing a character. The server admin can choose at any time to take a server out and he has no control over that. I think it was a poor decision to make MP characters server specific.

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:16 pm

Apparently smudge types faster than I, and is able to defend his own thoughts. :p

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:52 pm

Thanks Ikarus!

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 2:53 am

It's hard to believe that other people arenot affected by this. I just lost another server, went down in the midst of play. I made it to level 3 again, after an hour of play and the bitch crapped out on me.

I am seriously stressed out about all of this. I spend hour after hour developing the carachter and this happens.

Am I the only one upset about this?

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 4:18 am

I had my info lost on about 5 servers already. The last one was with a Titan and all Level 10 Guns and Shields. I joined one of the servers run by Lancers Reactor and hopefully I will not lose my data again. Not having the character saves on a central server that is able to be used on all servers is very dumb but I guess DA does not want the MP portion of this game to be successful. It also sucks when you play on a good server since they are full most of the time so you cannot play and instead play another game from another company. If I lose my current Titan with Level 10 guns and shields from the server run by the people here, I think I will give up playing MP as I can only waste my time so much restarting MP careers.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:19 am

I commend you on your persistence. I however have given up. I will only play on _killing zone_ server where my level 38 file is.

The reason? I earned it. I worked hard in the game to get that far, and I suppose I'll wait to see if it comes back up.

I tried to play again, but it just makes my stomach hurt thinking of my past success and achievement.

I sure hope _killing zone_ comes back.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:24 am

Look people. MS didn't make the game. DA did. MS published it. It's like having a problem with Half-Life and blaming Sierra when they didn't make the game, Valve did. Yes, MS funded and supplied workers but DA designed it.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 6:35 am

That happend to me too on a server that went private, it really does suck! The server i play on now "" or something is off now too i hope not for good.

Edited by - Azzkicka on 10-03-2003 06:36:13

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 6:53 am

Poor Thraka....the guy does not understand our point.
And, never once did we say MS made the game. Nor did anyone blame MS for anything.

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