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Lets boycott multiplayer!!

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 9:18 pm

PKing is for the simple-minded.

Even for the complex-minded, some of the best fun to be had can be quite simple.

/ Per

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 12:45 am

hey Piotrr, good to see ya. If you wanna join the A1A server send me an email or ICQ--my info should be on the AVP2 forum, on my profile---and I'll send ya the pword. Unless you're a different piotrr (??).

Not gonna add my input on the useless topic. Just wanted to add a comment for Piotrr.


"Don't touch me...I'm EVIL"

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 2:20 am

Orca, by all means boycott it. Then the rest of the people who aren't stoned continually can ignore morons like yourself.

And remember, it's amazing what ramming a battleship can do[!

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 5:17 am

I don't know if is a good MP game or not the only thing i know is that it crash every 2'. The complete game is a bug. i am from argentina and is very difficult to buy a game and when a buy a game i want a good game and the MP of this game sucks. This guys of microsoft are very stupid .

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 8:06 am

Look, Freelancer is great and all... But the MP code is ass, im sorry... Its good beta code, but not publish-worthy... Single player, thats another story, I have no complaints. But MP, my god, the net code is pretty bad.

Bugs/issues ive seen personally:

- Get stuck in docking
- A buddy I was flying with become invisible only to me.
- Dont get my started on the server-list interface (gag)
- Random dropping of players.
- The server software is not very stable.
- Very weird latency issues
- etc etc

Granted, some of this is simply due to the nature of the internet. However, good net-code can handle most latency issues.

Anyway, I definitely thing DA or MS or whoever, needs to follow up with a patch for MP. Also, ive said it before, but I hope the MOD community does some nice work.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 8:27 am

The only improvements I would like to see in MP are:

More encouragement to form groups of players (bigger rewards or something)

Global chat, rather than just system or group.

More players!!! I have a character on a 128 player server but there is rarely more than 20-25 people on at once, most servers max at 16-32 and the galaxy is just too big with that many players.

and lastly...

The game does seem rather "arcadey" in that it doesn't take very long to reach the highest levels and explore the whole galaxy. I love playing it, but I'd love it much more if there was some kind of long term goal to work towards (eg Diablo II), either that or some kind of definate interaction between the players (eg FPS CTF type games). I do feel that multiplayer freelancer will be a bit of a flash in the pan. Diablo II and Counter Strike have both been outstanding games that have massive followings. While FL is beautiful to behold and great fun to play, I just can't see multiplayer FL becoming one of the long term greats.


Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 8:31 am

Oh yeah, and I agree with jim_dewit, the server list interface totally sucks.

BTW, the readme has instructions about adding a server using the command line, this helps a lot. But it still sucks, downloading the master list and pinging servers that you have already filtered out every time you refresh, who the F thought that one up?


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