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Lets boycott multiplayer!!

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 8:12 am

Ya, Boycott multiplayer... it could happen.. Stop the presses!

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 1:07 pm

Come on guys. Its just an opinion. Who really is going to stop playing multiplayer? I just dont have the time to be playin hella hours into the single player then start all over again for multiplayer. I need something that I can just jump into. Dont suggest games cause I have many, but this game would be great like that.

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:27 pm


If you use the trade route spoilers, it's possible to amass enough cash to purchase level 10 gear in a few hours.


Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 11:20 pm

multi-player is what makes this game so damn great. I mean after the single-player you wouldnt have anything to do.

in mp you can trade with others, find the best ship out there with a team, hell even battle people. And help others get better at space rpg's like this and stuff.

boycott mp? HA you must be on something.

I'll have whatever he's smoking.


Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 11:24 pm

Hi!! ... My name is Ali_Bubba and I very much look foraward to PK'ing you.. alot.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 2:58 am

PKing is for the simple-minded. If you kill somebody, he just respawns back in dock free of all damage. Sure, he loses cargo, but odds are he's not carrying any. If you really want to be cruel, blow off all his wings, particularly with weapons attached, and then leave him there to sit as a smoldering, barely-living wreck. Then his weapons are gone, and he's not DEAD, so no free respawn. Meanwhile, he thinks he's somehow managed to escape with his life, so he doesn't realize the true severity of what you've really done.

Plus, if he's of relatively equal class to you, it's a great way to humiliate him and demonstrate how little skill he has, that you can do this to him and walk away unscathed.

It's a cruel, evil thing to do, like ripping the wings off butterflies.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 4:05 am

My flatmate and I have been playing multi on our LAN for several days... we are completely addicted to it!!!

Haven't touched the SP campaign yet, we just want to be Cardamine smugglers and stuff. It's freaken awesome... I have a freighter ( just recently purchased a Clydesdale ), so i actually lug our cargo around. My mate has a Defender, and flies escort for me, keeping pirates and stuff off my back.

Having a whale of a time.... haven't read any spoilers or anything, so everything is new to us, we're freaken STUNNED at how beautiful DA have made the Sirius Sector. The first time we went through a Jumpgate I remember we were yelling and cheering and sh1t cos it looked so cool ( remember the first time the Millenium Falcon went to Hyperspace? ), and it was kinda like a doorway to a strange new part of the galaxy. And we were gaping in awe at the Cortez system, with those 2 huge ice clouds at either Jumpgate!!! Awesome!!!

The systems are HUGE... we have so much exploring and stuff to do yet ( we've pretty much gone through most of the Liberty systems, getting stuck into Bretonnia now ). Multi Freelancer rules!!!!

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 4:43 am

I think boycotting MP is cutting off your nose to spite your face. However, I do agree that the lack of a portable profile is a big disapointment.

I say this coming from having playing an a big sci-fi space-sim persistant MMORPG (massively multiplayer online RPG), called "JumpGate". So I have been rather spoilt and was hoping FL would also in some sense have a persistance about it.

Orca, I suggest you take a look at JumpGate, as this is a subscription based, single server (well one for the US and one for the EU, but they are completely independant). If you're based in the US goto, or if you're in the EU go to The graphics are not as strong as FL and the only NPC's are occasionally played by GMs or OPs. Having said that, I suspect that it has a much longer lasting appeal, it has a totally dynamic player driven universe, even down to a dynamic economy.

Have fun

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:28 am

I felt the same way as orca earlier, before the game, but after i bought it, i owned it for a good week or so without ever even scratching the surface of single-player. I LOVE the way multiplayer is done, up until now, i had been playing Diablo and was used to switching tens of servers a day. But now i understand how great it works with this game, its like a MMORPG on a smaller basis, but nonetheless persistent. It works with the game and fits well with it, and i dont think it should be changed, it is possible to do it, but i dont want them to do it. I respect your opinion but i disagree with it completely (and thats just my opinion)

"I Would Rather Die Standing Than Live On My Knees"

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 8:48 am

OK then fix these problems!!!!!!!!! Oh jeezzzzzz the server that I have been playin on for weeks just went down for good. Oh jeezzzzzzzzz, the damn server is full again...... you can hardly get back into the damn servers you visit and there is always the possibility that it will be taken off. You cant just rely on luck that the server wont be full or will be up at the time you want to play! Its just to much HOPE that everything is working good. If you could carry your att server to server you wouildnt have to worry bout anything EVER!!!!!!!

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 1:50 pm

OK then fix these problems!!!!!!!!! Oh jeezzzzzz the server that I have been playin on for weeks just went down for good. Oh jeezzzzzzzzz, the damn server is full again...... you can hardly get back into the damn servers you visit and there is always the possibility that it will be taken off. You cant just rely on luck that the server wont be full or will be up at the time you want to play!


THAT is the ONLY way you are going to have all your "problems" fixed.


Pyrate Dredd

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 1:55 pm

I guess I can only say........... that sucks!

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 6:03 pm

Maybe DA will release a patch/add on to make profiles usable on other servers...but maybe they won't. Either way, a lot of people here will agree with me when I say SHUT UP and stop complaining!!

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 7:31 am

my 2 cents on the matter.
banning ppl based on level will do no good.. it's possible to fly a decked out saber with an uber shield and a full complement of nomad weapons at level one.

...Just a random thought from a random mind

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 2:09 pm

Look you don't like MP because it doesn’t hold you hand like SP... no Juni to tell you where to go.... and this game is designed for you to play around create your own stories in... read Computer Games (April issue). The designers did what they did for a number of reasons. The reason you can't jump servers with the same character is because staying at one server promotes interacting with the other players... and I can't stress this enough... it about making your own stories!! Thinks you can shoot the **** about while moving around... it's like that cardboard box that fascinated you as a kid... you used your imagination and made that box into a good time... this is the same with FL... I have lots of crazy stories tell you about...

Play the game.... game designers know what thy're doing....

Edited by - Cth_Kart on 12-03-2003 16:19:13

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