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Best way to get $$$ in MP

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Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 4:21 pm

Best way to get $$$ in MP

Hello all

I guess many of you are from the beta test or something, but for those of us geting the game on Tuesday (hopefully), what is the best way to start getting money and to advance to a high level in a MP game? Sounds like trading is the way to go but is there safe GOOD trade lanes that an initial character can do without getting killed by higher level enemies?


Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 7:07 pm

LightArms from Newyork, Detroid to Texas, Houston
Diamonds from Houston to Newyokr, Manhatten.

It is a good way i take it often.

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 9:39 pm

Well in order to get to the big money you have to go long ways.
On this page you got some exzellent views of Trade routes.

I liked to Transport Diamonds from New Berlin to New Tokyo. It IS a quite long way (you dont have to go thru New York, take the Outbounds...) but it brings you 1254 Dollars p.U, and I am talking about the gain! So if you make a little convoy with your internet friends (CAN be dangerous alone with a lame spacecraft) and lets say you got a Drone from the Kusari then you got 219 450 $ gain PER FLY AND SHIP. On the way back you can transport Opticalchips... not so good... well 312$ p.U...

Well its the best trade route I got.

Also good, but smaller amounts:
You can also earn good with transporting Light Arms from Trenton Outpost to Deshina and back you take Engine Components to Baltimore. should be 24k $ a trip. I think its more dangerous because you have to go to Keppler or Galileo... well your choice.

In my opinion Luxory Food and that things sucks

Edited by - grison on 01-03-2003 21:41:29

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 10:41 pm

Here a good 300k one.

Have to be at least Neutral with Lane hackers.

New Berlin, Planet New Berlin - Buy Engine Compnets $225 a piece
Mallagan, Matacn(sp?) Base (the Lane Hacker base) - sell 1,424 a piece.
Travel time - LONG

On a Large Fr. (250 cargo space) thats an easy $356,000 (2 trips then you can buy that sabre (Lane Hacker - Outcast Friendship )).

Also theres from
New Berlin, Planet New Berlin - Buy Diamonds 396
Leeds, Planet Leeds - sell 1,275 a piece
Max cash - $318750 (not as good, But its shorter (when you're going to leeds, Jump hole Shortcut. One way though ))

I used to hate weddings; all the Grandmas would poke me and say, "You're next sonny!" They stopped doing that when i started to do it to them at funerals.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 1:30 am

go from lvl 1-8 in one flight when your a nub, go to the badlands in newyork and shoot the 5 (including flint) wrecks for cargo, take the various weps and contraband to manhatten and sell for 30K..... you can only do it once!

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 4:24 am

alL this stuff that you guys are saying is going to make the pirates happy in mp!

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 5:17 am

Buy some Niobium when you get back from New Tokyo. Take the Sigma's. It's quite safe there. Make good use of countermeasure to escape.

The Ring, New Berlin(1440)
New Tokyo, New Tokyo(512)
Kyushu, Kyushu(415)

New Tokyo, New Tokyo(1650)
New Berlin, New Berlin(396)
Freiburg, Stuttgart(308)

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 5:29 am

Can you please specify where the wreck is? i couldn't find it, lol =)
thanx in advance

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 6:28 am

A decent yet dangerous run is from Detroit munitions to Kyushu, Light arms for 140 to 796, takes a while with several hot zones to get rhough but can make you and easy 30-40k with a stndard fighter, on the return ship from Kyushu engine components to Los Angelas, 290 to 1000 (apprx), makes you atleast 40-50k with a standard fighter, ie. 30-40 cargo space.


Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 8:32 am

Okay, my turn..

Two different runs, but both very profitable in a Humpback and obviously it's after you gained enough wealth to afford the Humpback which in itself it $173,000.

Take Gate/Lane parts from Pueblo Station in Colorado (bought for $140) to Tau - 31 Gate construction site in Tau - 23. It's about a 20 minute run that goes from Colorado, thru Kepler, thru part of Shi ko ku (take jump hole to Kyushu bypassing New Toyko system completely) thru part of Kyushu (take jump hole to Tau - 23 which is just off the main trade lane to the right on the run to Tau-29 gate) and onward to construction site (watch them mines) and sell for $1,400. On the return trip take Beryllium (bought for $300) back thru Kyushu jump hole (watch them mines again they are unhealthy) and again thru the Shi ko ku jump hole back thru most of Shi ko ku, thru Kepler into Colorado back to Pueblo Station and sell for $1,020. Total profit in a Humpback roundtrip = $475,000 Only 4 systems and it take anywhere from 15-25 minutes one way depending on the numbers of disruptions enroute.

The other one is taking Luxery Consumers Goods from Mahattan in NY to Planet Baden Baden in the Stuttgart system and return with Diamonds from Darmstadt Depot (Stuttgart) and return to Mahattan. Profit on the round trip is around $436,250. It is a bit longer route than the previous one...6 systems but the time is about the same if you incorporate the Tachyon method of fast travel.

These are the two best most profitable cargo runs I've found so far without having to travel a great distance. Next stop, the Borderworlds and some drug running (wish that jump ho in NY to Tau-37 wasn't taken out...)

Rob "Stinger" Lordier
Moderator/Comp Tech Lancers Reactor
Creator Privateer FAQ Competition doesn't create character, it REVEALS it!

Edited by - Stinger on 02-03-2003 08:35:10

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 12:07 pm

How about just camping around a tradelane (or another bussy trade-route) and take on any valuable convoys...
Then sell the loot on a base where the price is right..

Should make some many as well right?
(okay, probeply not as much as trading, but it helps your pirate-rep )

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 7:03 pm

That's the way pirates are working. Unfortunately very few cargo survives when a freight explodes even if it was a NPC Transport.

Anyway, this is Freelancer, not Pirateer =(

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 8:45 pm

Well you could play this as Pirateer, after all... you're a freelancer
Besides, Pirating kick ass!

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 10:32 pm

My Favourite Trade Route

Is to go anti clockwise round the Non-US systems, taking diamonds from Germany to Japan, engine parts from Japan to Britain and Gold from Britain to Germany

The quickest way to make cash however is to wait somewhere and blow up a huge transport full of something nice and expensive, and steal it

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 10:36 pm

Buy a Dromadary or somethin, buy a load of cargo for a cheap price and sell them for the double worth of it a tradelane away

I got 500.000 in half an hour

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