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Will people "Roleplay" in freelancer?

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Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 9:48 pm

Will people "Roleplay" in freelancer?

I was wandering this myself while answering another post. I always been a fan of roleplaying. I like to immerse myself into a game/universe and try to live another life. I like to take on a character, with a different personallity and play through it.

I was wandering if LR's regulars were planning on making a character for themself and roleplay it while playing on the regular server (elite).

I mean, let say someone wants to make a pirate of himself, he could roleplay this bigger than life character, always so sure of himself and gloating around on how he manage to destroy XX number of liberty squadrons.

Or how about playing this silent, yet effective kasuri squadron fighter, always making his action speak for himself with an high respect for honor and spirituality?

Maybe you'd prefer to play this Rich and noble Bretonia's marchant. He would live by the ettiquette, with a pronounce taste for luxyry and anything which is worth a lot of money. He is also a big seductor, always dragging girls where ever he goes. He think he is so noble and good, that is Ego usually find the way to drop him into troubles.

It could be funny, but also help people into the immersion of the game. Rather than chat online about what new videocard we are using, but rather talk about some funny adventure or encounter you made earlier (improvinsing and inventing if you must).

Just some thoughts and wandering if others feel the same way about how they think it would be great to play this game online.

Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 9:58 pm

I think I'll let my personality do all that for me . I think most people *cough* tach, eb *cough* will be so sure of themselves they'll find themselevs in trouble most of the time. Where as me. I'll just sit back and watch everyone kill each other. Then like a vulture kill them off one by one.

Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 10:07 pm

I'd probably play guy like in my last example. Noble, rich, egocentric but good guy. I had a lot of sucess in massive multiplayer games while roleplaying characters like him.

Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 10:25 pm

I would. I think RP will have a large part to play in the game.

Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 11:26 pm

LOL!! Is that what you think of the British? hehe
Myself I'd probably go as the quiet killer. So while everyone else is trying to think up a responce to thier last message, I'd just shoot. BOOM!

Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 11:52 pm

I am sure at first there will be people who shoot everything they see, because as FL starts selling, the game won't be just small groups having fun anymore, just anonymous people who simply don't want to RP and just powergame, and it will all be anarchy and chaos ...every game has that. But after a few months I am sure there will be RP restricted servers and just "shoot-them-all" servers coming out of it, who knows. I know for sure I will be one of the few that possibly will roleplay to the maximum extent "Aye me matey, I am a pirate! What do we have here, a lone freighter...ARGG!!!".

It reminds me of Jedi Knight II, when I first started playing, it was basically everyone vs everyone, there was very little duel servers and the game got dull quick. I reinstalled the game two weeks ago and there are all these polite cardinal rules people follow, such as no attacking while lightsaber is down, ask politly for a duel, etc...and it seems almost every game is FFA (with light-saber duels only), or Duel servers. With a nice, polite atmosphere.

I pity da foo, thug, o villian that trys takin' over da world, then comes home cryin' to his mamma!
-Mr. T

Post Wed Feb 19, 2003 12:00 am

I don't think I will always roleplay but it might be fun to occasionally join a closed server and try it out.

Post Wed Feb 19, 2003 2:00 am

i will partake of little role playing methinks....hmmm *strokes beard*....on my server to start with

Post Wed Feb 19, 2003 5:55 am have a beard? *strokes imaginary goatee*

Post Wed Feb 19, 2003 9:22 am

Yes EB.. a beard.. you start growing one when you figure out girls don't have cooties

seriously though, i think roleplaying is a little harder to pull off untill you build up a reputation with a cast of regulars on a server.
sure, you may see yourself as a dashing smuggler running contraband from new york to texas (or whatever.. example only ) who always saves the damsel in distress, but all anyone else sees is that little line of text you type. and when the pirate who's been plying the seven tradelanes (ARR me matey!) in rienland space makes his first jump to texas, all he sees is fresh freighter booty!

call me unimaginative, but when i blast a poor trader away with my titan, i'm not gunna know ... much less give a damn that he's not gunna be able to feed his three wives and seven children at home

Then again, as a pirate scouring the seven lanes, i'm not gunna care but anyone one else but myself and polly.
Shiver me timbers..matey!!! arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

...Just a random thought from a random mind

Post Wed Feb 19, 2003 11:28 am

Well as I said my personality takes over, hence I will probably be the one not to stare shoot and kill as I said but I will be out helping the citzens who are being attacked by pirates etc. A vigilante but with a cause.

Post Wed Feb 19, 2003 12:43 pm

Well i'm gonnabe a smuggler. No honor, no looking out for others, just smuggling. and i dear u pirates to come for my loot coz belive me i'm gonna be equipped to keep it.

well as soon as i have enough $ i'll be ready anyways.

Now begins a new Age... The Age Of Arumin

Post Wed Feb 19, 2003 12:48 pm

I'd like to me a Merc...a hired gun, for escort duty, cargo runs, weapon collections for newbs etc...all for a price. Being paid for my services whatever they may be. I hope that in future a group of Mercs could get together and form its own little unit.

Post Wed Feb 19, 2003 3:59 pm

Of course, people will have to earn those reputation and no I don't see the british like that, it's a pure fictionnal decision by me. I like to play british who are noble and rich. Of course, I won't be rich to start with, although I can assume I have interested in some places, and brag about my house which is like 4 stories long... No one can check that, but it's part of the character.

I do know that most people won't roleplay, that's why a server with more serious gamers would make this a little more easier.

Post Wed Feb 19, 2003 9:15 pm

I know this is gonna sound stupid and I should have looked this up. But when your a mercenary can people transfer there money to your bank a/c?

That in relation TheGauntlet's post.

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