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Post Sat Feb 15, 2003 4:45 pm

BTW, I think "the tribe has spoken." PK will be turned on the Elite server.

--- Poll ---
On the new MP server Elite, would you like player killing turn on?
Yes: 71%
No: 29%
Total Votes: 638

Post Mon Feb 17, 2003 2:15 am

Well, now, wouldn't the NPC cops/military jump on someone that was newbie PKing right outside a docking ring? Then the PKer has to defend himself by killing the NPC cops/navy, which makes him KOS to the AI in controlled sectors. That would make it a hard row to hoe until his faction was up high enough with the outlaws to allow for rearming/repair. If his faction with the outlaws is high enough to properly outfit himself, then the "good guys" are going to jump him as soon as he shows. I think it's going to be a self-regulating system, actually. I'm frankly looking forward to it.

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