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How does a Pirating Group sound?, NOT CLAN

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Post Sat Feb 08, 2003 11:13 pm

How does a Pirating Group sound?, NOT CLAN

My idea is that a group of people meet every whateber night, and we go around and jump people in the trade lanes. This isnt a clan though. We would trade leadership around everynight unless theres a favorite. NO website, but maybe give each other aim/email/icq. Nothing Special, just a group of criminals that meet up to cause havoc and chaos every saturday evening

Post Sat Feb 08, 2003 11:54 pm

Hehe, good idea!

Post Sun Feb 09, 2003 1:00 am

LOL, this would be amusing. Meet up in large groups every night and completely rip apart the cargo tanks floating beside the space stations.

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Post Sun Feb 09, 2003 1:59 am

Killing some cops should make us friendly with the criminals so we can sell the cargo on their bases... sounds good


United SL Modelers¸
Administrator for World Of Gamers
Webmaster for Red Faction World

Post Sun Feb 09, 2003 2:26 am

That would be great, although, eventually no one would trade one friday nights due to our posse roving around the trade lanes waiting for an unlucky merchant who happens to stumble unto our traps.

Post Sun Feb 09, 2003 2:40 am

Well you dont have to just attack people while they are passing through trade lanes. If we did something like this Pirating Group and had a good amount of people I would attack bases and other installations. Sounds like fun

Post Sun Feb 09, 2003 3:32 am

that sounds like a blast!!! Id definitely like to try that.

Post Sun Feb 09, 2003 3:57 am

Bases and stationsa re a must too. Eventually wed be like the locust that come every 7 years, except its every friday/saturday night

Post Sun Feb 09, 2003 4:05 am

Hm, looks like a bunch of you lawless types are a' hootin' for a shootin'.

Guess it's time for the sheriff and his deputies to step in.

Post Sun Feb 09, 2003 4:10 am

Come, pirates, i dear ya to take me treasure.

I'll be the best and hardest trader in all the land.

Remember this name for I am Arumin, the best traderin the 48 systems.

The beast said "Be you angels?" and we said "Nae. We are but men!" - Tenacious Deed -

Post Sun Feb 09, 2003 4:54 am


Post Sun Feb 09, 2003 5:21 am

Yeah, that'd be a great idea. You all get your pirate raids, and I'll be waiting to pounce on your illegal asses!

"Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." --Albert Einstein

Post Sun Feb 09, 2003 1:08 pm

@ Mr. Whoopee
How do you plan on rading bases? You cant blow up bases, space stations and battleships. THe only way you can get loot is to shoot ships, freighters or storage depo's, these arnt found at every base, but if you want to raid bases make sure you raid some with storage depot's


United SL Modelers¸
Administrator for World Of Gamers
Webmaster for Red Faction World

Post Sun Feb 09, 2003 5:19 pm

I meant we go after sorage tanks. And well look for the bases with some before we attack. But well primarly go after freighters and such. The only way freifhters will have a chance, will by having to fly in convoys and such. So in a way were doing the game a service by severly encouraging making friends and staying with them,

Post Sun Feb 09, 2003 5:22 pm

I was thinking about trying to get a Merc unit set up...that way we could get paid to hunt the PK'ing Pirates on a regular basis.

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