Post Sun Jun 20, 2004 3:49 am

The Orden of Rheinland Teutons

The Orden of Rheinland Teutons

The Orden of Rheinland Teutons is a Rheinland based Freelancer clan. We will operate within Rheinland and several of the Omegas and Omicrons.

The idea of this clan is a union, a brotherhood, or as we have intended to call it, orden. This orden is going to be a amount of areas that each new member, can choose to belong to. Every of these areas are independent of each other, still, in need of each other. They are all re-presented by a sign.

The different areas are:

Assault (Sword) Attack Forces
Defend (Shield) Forces of Defence
Support (Horse) The Cavaliers
Intelligence (Book) Infiltrators
Headquarters (Castle) The Headquarters


The Assault area within the Orden is maybe the main force. This group is the ’foot soldiers’ of the clan, and it will do the most military actions in Sirius.


The Defend groups will defend our installations and the areas claimed by the Orden. At war with another clan, they will fight along the Assault groups. These pilots need to be skilled in dogfights, and will have to wait very much, for the enemy.


Re-presented by a horse, the support area of the Orden is our cavalierly. They will provide support, and should fly capital ships. These are such installations that the Defenders group will defend, but these pilots will only be chosen among our elite pilots.


This group is our eyes and ears of what’s going on in both war- and peacetimes. This area can not be chosen by a new member of this clan, but it’s pilots will be handpicked by it’s leaders. These fighters will fly through enemy territory, and it’s pilots must have control of his area, and listen for news about other clans movement.


With the sign of a castle, this group is the superiors of the Orden. It’s members will be the commanders of the four other areas and their patrol. Only the Admiral can choose who will belong to this group.

Code of Conduct:

1) You shall not fire upon another player, unless provoked, challenged, or have been challenged, and accepted a duel
2) Dock camping is only permitted in a life-or-death situation against a PKer, enemy clan, an unsuccessful duelling surrender or during a tactical stealth strike on a rival clan during a clan war.
3) ANY positive IDd PKer is to be warned FIRST to surrender before being fired upon UNLESS they have a ‘Engage on Sight’ Notice out against them
4) Any recruit chosen by an uncommissioned member must first be tested for excellence in the fields of: piloting, one-on-six combat, one-on-one severely out powered combat, hunting, tactical experience, field knowledge or capital ship experience before they will be accepted, if they fail all tests, they must undergo a brief training session with an officer in the respective fields before being recruited.
5) Capital ships shall only be issued, or be piloted by, commissioned officers who have shown their ability to be a tactical advantage while flying that ship.

You should also know that we don't have any sever nor website yet. Im going to my countryhouse tommorrow, and i'll begin on a website when i get back in 1 - 2 weeks. Before you join, you MUST have read the Code of Conduct, wich is higher up in this post. In the meantime, anyone who want to join should send their emails to:

[email protected]

Do like this:

Nickname: Orillion
Email: [email protected]
Section: Assault, Defend or Support
Preferable ship(s): Put the ship(s) you like here.
Other: Other things that may be important, the time you can play etc.

Also note that i won't be able to respond to your emails, in 1 - 2 weeks, so be patient and do not flood my inbox with "why don't you answear my email?" mails.

Edited by - on 6/20/2004 5:00:55 AM