Where is my account ID stored?
I reinstalled WinXP recently on a secondary drive because the registry on my primary drive corrupted.
Now I'm trying to run Freelancer (I didn't reinstall it, just trying to run freelancer.exe from where it is on my hard drive). But it wants me to enter a new multiplayer account ID.
How can I get the old one? Is it stored in a file, or the registry? I think it's stored in Documents and Settings\USERNAME\My Games\Freelancer, and I tried copying that whole directory tree over, but it still wants me to enter a new multiplayer account ID.
Now I'm trying to run Freelancer (I didn't reinstall it, just trying to run freelancer.exe from where it is on my hard drive). But it wants me to enter a new multiplayer account ID.
How can I get the old one? Is it stored in a file, or the registry? I think it's stored in Documents and Settings\USERNAME\My Games\Freelancer, and I tried copying that whole directory tree over, but it still wants me to enter a new multiplayer account ID.