so my prob is i only a started a server and have more many things to do like: where i can get cheat patch, and how i can make players to go up lvs higher then 38(like in the start of the server),
Download and install M$ FL patch v1.1. This should only be applied to flserver installations only, which is what you may have. If you are running the flserver in the same directories as you are running the FL game, you need to seperate the two so the patch is NOT applied to the game, just the server files.
and how i can make player what is entering my server to start another location and start with another ship ?
This is done with server side mods. See posts for Freelancer Heaven and by Captain Tylor, he's the master
of this on his server.
and i have a little moded server how i can make a server work only this mod?
If you are NOT talking about just server side mods, then let everyone who logs on, either in the server description or server news, know your server uses a specific mod.
and another thing seen something good what i can do too if i want to make another player (not console) on my server to kick some one what will be able to do it too?
FLAdmin is a great tool for this remote admining of flserver. See the TLR download section.
how i can make my server not to lag to much ? it's all who will answer will be very pleased
Have the biggest processing system you can, have the biggest internet connection you can afford and be vigilant in kicking and banning cheaters (they suck up bandwidth, load the server and piss off rule following players). Remember in this instance cheaters are those that mod or hack FL to make it different from what the server is running and other players are running. Mods aren't wrong in and of themselves, it's running one mod on a server and players running
different mods like speed hacks, uber sheilds, etc. things not built into the server's mod that is wrong and thus a cheat.
i forgot the last thing how i can change player name if he have not good name?
I would just delete the character because you will probably notice it before he puts too much time into it. If you want to change character names for other reasons, there may be reprocussions so you are on your own. You can use any of the FLCodec programs out there, I use FLCharEd (
don't remember if JoeBoomz actually released it or not
SysAdmin of Boston Freelancer server
server news and
server rules for server information