We all are to abide by some very elementary "rules of engagement" on this web site. This includes the moderators. This rule I am referring to revolves around the the sites forum
rules a regulations. Anyone who breaks them are subject to sever scrutiny. Moderators are tasked with keeping the peace, and that means stepping on some toes sometimes, thems the breaks. But for non-moderators such as yourself, again this is
clearly defined in the same rules and regs, have distinct avenues to take up disagreements they may have with policy. That is to contact the web site OWNER, not take things public. Believe me, if Gibby thinks one of us has gotten out of line, he will let us know in a hertbeat. But I've got to tell you, your side of the arguement will be eroded by taking ANYTHING public.
I am posting this as a precaution and evidence just incase something desides to flare up between us.
This doesn't even appear to be a veiled threat. It appears to be a quite public one. You've become a one legged man in a butt-kicking contest and I (nor any of the the other moderators) will sit idley by and let someone poke one of our brethern in the side repeatedly...not for one nanosecond.
As the very large bouncer once said, either take it outside (of the forums) or I'll take you both outside myself.
Rob "Stinger" Lordier
Moderator -
Lancers Reactor
Privateer FAQ
no good deed will ever go unpunished
Elite Freelancer Server
"Corwin02 spell-checked" for ackuracee
Edited by - Stinger on 30-10-2003 04:01:03