SERVER IDEA for Adv. Players MAX PvP Challenge
Very very laughable. You know what I think would make the best and most challenging server to excel in. A server with no rules(except no modding, F1 cheat, or excessive vulgarity). If I made a server, I would encourage all types of mean spirited play.
In my experience, most of the whiners want the recognition of excelling at the game, without the challenge that makes excelling noteworthy in the first place. So many people seem completely unable to take personal reponsibility for their own excellence. They would like to be spoon-fed excellence. It's laughable. --- Gung_Ho
1-Kill noobs.
2-Dock camp.
3-Tax and Toll.
4-Foil missions.
5-Blow up freighters.
6-Disrupt trade lanes.
7-Claim Territories.
8-Etc Etc
I would call it "No Noobs Server" or "PvP Hostile Server" or "Ultimate PvP Challenge" or "Extreme PvP" or "Cut Throat PvP" or "MAX PvP" or something like that. Only players that want the most challenge would play there. I would want to encourage freighter players to try to do trade runs with other players that would stop them.
I can't make a server just yet, but if someone else with really good equipment and connection would like to make one with these rules, then please do. I would play there and I bet a lot of others would be proud to say they do too and made it.
The point of the server is no moral rules regarding what is right and wrong. Evil tactics are welcome. (No modding, F1 cheat, or "Excessive" vulgarity)
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