**** Let's get something straight here. I'm not in a clan, nor do I have favourites ****
Now that I've got that done, I know a few clans that play Elite.
[TLD The Liberty Defenders
http://scifialliance.com/vb/ (Mind you, this clan isn't very active)
[RN Roughnecks
http://marik.emperors.net/forum-rn/index.php (More active than [TLD, though I don't see too many of them on at once)
http://rarc.proboards18.com/ (I pretty much always see NEO players online. However, not everyone agrees with NEO's tactics...)
[WP WolfPack
http://www.101st.info/ (I see a few of these guys on at times. Currently on [NEO's badside. The fights are the kinda thing you bring popcorn and a comfy seat too)
Feel free to add to the list. (Don't you like my commentary?)