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Alpha Server 24/7 Announcement

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Wed Jun 18, 2003 11:47 pm

Alpha Server 24/7 Announcement

Hey, I am not the administrator of this server, I am only a player like you, playing in a 56K modem over the internet.

I found this server, and I see that only a little people know it, please go to it. And make companion to the few ones that know it.

Post Thu Jun 19, 2003 10:46 pm

this should really be in the server forum.

Post Fri Jun 20, 2003 6:54 am

perhaps.. but its a great server (15mbit line?!) and no one seems to use it.

and no waiting around for an open slot... (128 player limit)

I have begun frequenting Alpha when AC2 is full (usually).


Edited by - leadpill on 20-06-2003 07:55:50

Post Mon Jul 21, 2003 5:02 pm

Yes, but who is the admin for this server??

Post Mon Jul 21, 2003 7:44 pm

I have it on my vistited server list. 128 people max. Im not gonna mod big on that for fear of making it very laggy. I mean 128 ppl has to lag right?


United Sirius Liberation Front
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Post Mon Jul 21, 2003 8:02 pm

Ah **** heretic, we're looking for a new place for the browclop's bunch, and your going to come in with your mods and screw it up. Damn.....
By the way the server rules are NO CHEATS and NO MODS, if you want to play there unload your mods.

Edited by - DocFuglyMark on 21-07-2003 22:39:54

Post Tue Jul 22, 2003 1:05 am

Incompetent pups.

Shut up. Sit down. Take your ****ing prozac.

So ****ing what, i use mods, the onyl mods i use is my two speed mods, cloak detector, and best path. That generates little lag. God you guys act like im the worst. I am not, those who mod cloak and shti on 1.1 make the big lag you see, but generally since you dont want to get pwned by those peices of ****s with Cloak mods that can be used on 1.1 you blame it on me. Not all the mother ****ing problems on freelancer are my goddamned fault (excuse me my lord) .

doc your cool, but seriously dont jump in the argument of Mod vs Nonmod because everyone ends up as an idiot. Including me. I dont see you as an idiot, dont make me give you a second glance.


United Sirius Liberation Front
We accept everyone and anyone.
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Post Tue Jul 22, 2003 1:43 am

Ahh, 666, you crack me up. (I'm not insulting you btw)

Post Tue Jul 22, 2003 3:39 am

Just what do you mean by "dont make me give you a second glance".
I'm not intimidated, I'm not impressed, and I'm not amused.
I don't want this turning into a flame war, so I'll just say this;
4 things can happen here,
1. The server goes to hell from everyone trying to one-up each other with mods; Raptors or Calgary 24/7 anyone?
2. The admin wakes up to what your doing and bans you.
3. The server turns to a ghost town because no-one want's to play with cheaters.
4. The admin gives up and pulls the plug, in which case everyone loses.
Raptors shut down for repairs because of all the people trying log in with "tweaks" finally pooched his server, Calgary 24/7 is not far behind.
Heretic we would like to set up the same thing we had on Browclop's, everyone is equal and we kill the tedium through role playing and competitions.
Now why would anyone want to race with someone running a speed mod?
If you want to play mod police, fine, keep the cloak detector, but deactivate the speed mods and anything that gives you an unfair advantage in regular play.

I hear something...........Coolant Leak!!........

Edited by - DocFuglyMark on 22-07-2003 07:20:46

Post Tue Jul 22, 2003 3:40 am

*&^$##^())&$%#@@$%^&* im insulting him,ok 128 peeps say every fu-king one uses those mods = no server

Post Tue Jul 22, 2003 6:09 am

I'm not trying to be insulting, I'm trying to put across a different perspective.
I understand why people modd, you get bored very quickly once you've gotten the best ship and been everywhere.
It's interesting to see something new and different from what the programmers designed, and if you want to go that route then try the rebalance servers, or the one running the Bab 5 or Tng mods. On servers that support mods you can mod to your heart's content.
Or you can forget the mods and try it the way we were trying to do it at Browclop's, with server or player hosted tournaments and lots of role playing, it was a fun place with a good community. Like NASCAR the playing field is level, no one in similar levels had any special advantage, the deciding factor was the skill and talent of the pilot.
I've heard the mantra of 'Without mods Freelancer is boring". I put to you that there are other ways to make Freelancer interesting for you without ruining everyone else's game.

I hear something...........Coolant Leak!!........

Post Tue Jul 22, 2003 6:52 am

I know there is. But it's more interesting to see your reaction over a game.

Just like seekers.

I've made an account on brownclops. What keeps me from going there regularly? My own buisness. It takes me to other servers. I just started on Alpha 24/7 and i assure you, i'm not modded so you can kill me. Infact my only account on there right now is a patriot with one gun. Of course i have my speed mods and my cloak detector mod. But those don't cause that much lag. Besides only a few people go on Alpha, most i've seen is nine people including myself. I'll start playing brownclops with only cloak detector on. I don't trust people. They are deceiving. Modders are everywhere.


United Sirius Liberation Front
We accept everyone and anyone.
Go to our boards.

Post Tue Jul 22, 2003 5:23 pm

666 i found a solution to the modding pk'ers prob...i try to play by the rules as much a possible, but when someone is picking on me and the other players with new accounts in ny, i create a new account, then go to battleship missuri and buy a rhineland cruiser with 30 lvl 10 guns (already attached) and the manuverability of the patriot, or i go to pitts and buy a nomad cap ship with 4 sets of shields, 50 nomad cannons, and a cloak. both of those usually convince modders to stop pking in ny, even the cloaked ones usually dont mess around too much when they see me.

so my solution is to keep the newbs safe (and therefore keep the server fun) by fighting mods with mods, and the rest of the time using a mod-free account to be fair. another of my favorite tricks is say "ok you sob now your in for it" and jump to another account in the northern tau systems. then ill message the pker "if u think ur so bad@$$, come and fight me NOW, meet me at new tokyo and ill school you". they usually take the bait, and come to kusari, so i can jump onto my other account and keep playing while they are way on the other side of the game. then by the time they get back, i have got my battleship ready

Post Tue Jul 22, 2003 7:58 pm

It's clear that I am wasting my time here. Yes it is only a game, but like everything else, how you play it speaks volumes about your character.
Heretic, I'm just trying to keep this server fun for everyone, is that asking too much? This server may be empty right now but we're trying to change that.
I'm a busy man, there are only so many hours in a day, and I have spent too many of those hours playing this game.
I'm tired of this debate, if you'll only use mods to attack mod abusers then unload those mods and play legit when the threat has been eliminated, then we might have an understanding, but if you're planning on showing up in an uber Titan, proclaiming yourself God and shooting up legitimate players just cuz your bored...
You see, I do remember some of the stunts you've pulled, your name is at the top of a lot of peoples "Not Welcome Here" lists. It does not have to be this way.
Know that we are trying to get a hold of the Admin, when we do we'll be working on rules and the means of enforcing them.
I'm tired of hunting for a decent server to play on, the fun value of this game is dissipating for me, all of this ancillary nonsense is making it feel more like work, and I already have a job. If this server doesn't pan out I may well be mothballing Freelancer and moving on to something different. I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels this way....

Post Tue Jul 22, 2003 8:40 pm

Doc i didnt read your post because i didnt care to.

but the this is for the guy with the rhineland cruise...

You're not on 24/7 are you? no.


United Sirius Liberation Front
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