Post Wed Jun 11, 2003 4:16 pm

Further developments for rookies

Wow...I got many many replies from people about the n00b clan, and it's actually happened! We have been given use of a server by a very public-spirited person, and I've met up with a couple of people on there. The server is...*drum roll*

Omega vortex 24/7 dedicated

I'm on there a lot of the time at the moment (callsign Genar-Hofoen), and we're trying to get a website set up for the clan. In the meantime, use the server's website forums ( for any chat. The official website should be up some time in the next few weeks.

I'll put any more developments up here...keep checking, n00bs!


"Cardamine: a brief-acting psychotropic drug, the effects of which are akin to sliding two distorting lenses in front of your eyes, placing your head in a swimming pool and shoving a chemical factory up your nose in a shifting gravity field..."