Post Thu May 29, 2003 10:32 am

Updates to be added

I have played Freelancer only for a short time in single and multiplayer mode.
I am going to make a few suggestions that may be in effect already and I would be happy for people to point them out.

I have noticed when capturing weapons during a battle it keeps adding to my weapons list which, as i have experimented with, keeps getting longer and takes up no room in the cargo space.
1) I would have thought it would take up some room, say 20 weapons or munitions to a cargo space. Naturally there would need to be a limit to the amount of munitions you can carry in the ships magazine.
2) When getting blown up I am returned to my origin losing my cargo but keeping all the captured weapons. Perhaps these, as cargo, should be lost also.
3) After being blown up, the player should pay the insurance company an amount for escape pod retrieval and ship resupply, even if this would mean taking the player into the negative figures, say about 10% of the ships worth in costs? This may prevent the player respawning time and again to try and kill that other player they have a personal vendetta with.

Just a few thoughts, would like to post them to microsoft but can't find a place to mail them.
However, would appreciate your input.

One last thing, as well as the PILOTABLE SHIPS information, will there be a section for weapons?

Wise man once say; "Don't touch another man's donut[!"
If you don't ask, you'll never know, and can you live without knowing, of course would you want to hear the answer?