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-[NoTec- war

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Post Fri May 30, 2003 12:09 am

It really is just a game so any more outright flamefests would just be childesh. I won't bad mouth Voices but Voices shouldn't bad mouth Notec. This is my pledge to Voice. I will expel any modders, hackers, and cheaters from NoTec. It is not tolerated because well, flamefests like these happen. All the facts and truths get distorted like the screenshot of the chat above.

Post Fri May 30, 2003 12:23 am

Lsten let me clear a few things up once and for all and i an't gonna flame nobody.

1:Voice of confusion u know as well as i do that u guys left things that were said out of the screen shot like vov saying that he respects me and stuff like that and u know that i explained the turret thing 100 times so why do u keep bringing it up 1 more time for u to see..the turret wasw a thing scorpio thought would be cool for a clan like notec cause it was a nomad turret and r name means nomad tec...mine was givin to me i have no idea on how to modd cause i never have given it much interset when AA said that this was a prob i told scorpio and we dicided to get rid of them as u have seen i never used 1 after that BUT i will still admit i was wrong i should have read the server rules if ubah was using a nomad turret then it was without my knowledge i already have a post in this fourm stateing how modders in NOTEC will be kicked out if caught... im not these kids fathers i can't watch everybody at once every member i have talked to is agianst modding and most of the orignal members don't even play anymore so don't hold past indisrections agianst new members that had nothing to do with before it wouldnt be fair.
2:For the record flameing peeps like i did yesterday was stupid and i usally have more self control then that BUT i like anyone else doesnt like to be insulted i know AA i might not have a clan as tightly organized as VOICE ..BUT i have other things to do AND i wasent supposed to be doing this by myself in the first place scorpio got banned i really din;t think there was as much work involved as there is etc.answering countless pm's,dealing with countless problems i admit im not as good with leading a freelancer clan as u r
3:I attacked because it was getting SOOOO boring ...u guys have at least got a war with SE we have nothing to do but fly around sence we don't tax there was really nothing else to do when we attacked NO I WAS NOT HIGH though i have be knowen to smoke a spliff or 2..and it was nothing personal ,like i said we were bored and VOICE had the most members on so we thought we would give it a shot and like u said we failed bad..
4:I know at least 1 of u is gonna post after sayin "i thought u din't care" or some **** like that and i don't to be honest BUT i don't want the rest of these guys to be labeled as modders and get screwed over and like i alreadt said i admit flameing peeps like i did yesterday was retarted and all it really did was make ME look stupid BUT that doesnt say that SOME of the stuff i said i din't mean because i do... but i admit when i screw up and after looking at the stuff i posted yesterday i will say that ,that was a screw up and for whatever it is worth i aplogize for some of the stuff i said NOT all but some and for how i worded it i quess there was no need for the lanuage but still like i said i don't like to be insulted nobody does whatever there u have it i swllowed my pride and admited i was wrong so don't judge the rest of NOTEC cause of actions from before cause some of these guys R serious about this game and waht to make it more fun for everybody...NOTEC DOESNT MODD..if u see anymembers that do insted of judgeing the rest of us why don't u bring it to our attention insted and we would rectify the problem.

Post Fri May 30, 2003 12:28 am

If one of those apologies is directed towards me Kurup, then I accept and issue my own.

Post Fri May 30, 2003 12:32 am

Kuruption can you give me a low down about what is going on between you and Joe and the rest of the clan as you seem to be acting out of character from what I know of you.

The Dark One,

Dark Sovereign

Post Fri May 30, 2003 12:51 am

Ya joe it is im sorry for saying the **** i said about u it was a pathitic thing to do i got a short fuse and sometimes do stupid things not to mention i was in a pissy mood all day yesterday ....SORRY joe

Post Fri May 30, 2003 12:55 am

Accepted Kurup, and I apologize for jumping to conclusions on the screenshots without actually looking into things myself Still technically out for now, but there is some discussion going on with another member we shall see. Speak with Dark S., he'll fill in any details you need.

Post Fri May 30, 2003 1:03 am

I am glad that that's sorted out. It is better that we make amends as there is a worse disease surging through our clan at the moment which has to be purged.

The Dark One,

Dark Sovereign

Post Fri May 30, 2003 1:11 am

Yes i agree..... for the moment perseus is in charge so if any of u guys got any questions direct them to him from what i can see he is dedicated to this clan and is a avid problem solver.

Post Fri May 30, 2003 1:21 am

So Perseus I would like to know what the clan structure is as of now? Since you have been put in charge that opens 2 spaces for captaincies as Joe Camel has left and you are no longer a captain. It just leaves Me and Han Solo as Captains.
I reakon that we should leave one of the spaces open for Joe Camel in case he wishes to return as he is a fine player and a worthy friend of mine. But he has another offer from me to think over and get back to me about.

Kuruption are you a captain now or joint leader? I am just wondering as I think that the clan needs an overhaul and needs refreshing so our clan can start 'anew' so to speak. Once we have done that we can concentrate on the problem at hand, getting rid of the bad blood surging through our clan mostly from outside influences.

The Dark One,

Dark Sovereign

Post Fri May 30, 2003 2:10 am

Yes dark i think you r right this clan does need a overhaul and ill leave that up to perseus to do i quess u could consider me a joint leader but i will not be around much i will pop by every now and then to see whats up with u guys though i have confidence in perseus to take care of things and hopefully he can drag this clan's reputation out of the mud but like i said persues is in charge when im not around and if and when i am around we will be joint leaders with equal power
hope that clears some things up for u and every NoTec member that reads this post

BTW phoniex has been made a captian so that fills up 1 of the empty slots

Post Fri May 30, 2003 2:18 am

If it is possible I would like a list of all clan members in NoTec as of at the moment, because since I left there have been many new additions to the clan many of whom I dont know about. This would also allow me to determine who is a valid member so if others appear actions can be dealt with. I would like the role of Rolemaster, somebody who keeps track of who is a member and who isnt, I think this needs to be done.

By the way who founded this clan? Just a piece of info I wanted to know. And for what its worth I thought you were a good leader of the clan at least what I saw you play when I was around three weeks ago. I hope to see you online in the future as it will be good to see you.

The Dark One,

Dark Sovereign

Post Fri May 30, 2003 3:30 am

Kuruption, you're one of the only people on Planet Earth that would ever admit to being wrong, and that's at least one thing I can respect you for

Post Fri May 30, 2003 1:13 pm

So what is the war report at the moment? Are the voice clan and the NoTec still at war or has a truce been formed? Any information that could make its way to me would be nice as sitting at uni where I cant play tendds to leave me a bit bored and makes my mind wander to Freelancer.

The Captains of NoTec are now as I hear it:

1)Han Solo
2)Dark Sovereign (Me)

Perseus is the leader now as he took over from Kuruption, although Kuruption still has a position of power he will rarely frequent the server, so that leaves one placement for a captain and

I request that I be able to choose the last place. I will be back on server this tuesday or wednesday and want to promote the last captain placement? I wish to view all of the members and make a good choice.

The Dark One,

Dark Sovereign

Post Fri May 30, 2003 4:14 pm

Sorry, AA - I got to reply.

I've read through most of the posts (too much to read for my lazy butt). So first, I want to say I'm sorry for not being there. I've grown bored with trying to get into the server (after all this time - DA could release just a stable, pre-release patch just to allow server stability and better hacker protection), and I've been busy with web projects.

Secondly, that SS of Behumet cannot be Voice of Hate (which I have seen Perseus now say it wasn't him). He wouldn't be on the server now if it was him.

Thirdly, Perseus, before making accusations - have the evidence to back up your claim. I also grow tired of reading your lies. To quote from you:

"1) They base camp. They kill noobs and make weaker players pay taxes. It wouldn't be bad except they kill the ppl after they were payed.

2)They attempt to sulley the good name of NoTec by getting their members to start new characters with the NoTec name tag and then hack their asses off. Ergo Behumut. That little screenshot of Behumut up there with a nomad ship is a Voice member. I know because there is no Behumut in NoTec. Probably Voice_of_Hate.

3) They are Cowards. The battle we just had was proof of that. 4 voices against 2 NoTecs. Then when 2 more NoTecs show up, they scurry away and leave the server.

4)If any one hacks, its them. I've never seen a shield that could withstand 2 sunslayer torps without going down at least 1 bar."

1. We base camp only those that are our enemy. If you piss us off, yes, you will be shot docking and undocking. We do not kill noobs (we help them more than anyone else - and I've said this many times). We kill those that pay only if they betray us. There have been plenty of pilots that paid for passage, yet they turn around and stab us in the back. We will shoot back.

2. If, and that's a big if, it was a Voice member, please provide proof. If you do not have proof, you sulley our good name.

3. I hate to tell you this, Notec's no match for us. If we run, we do it for a reason. I've ran many times to draw the enemy away.

4. Have you never heard of lag? I have made shots that should have destroyed the ship, yet their shields didn't budge. If it is consistent, yes, it's probably a hack. Otherwise, use your brain.


I didn't see it mentioned, so I'll mention it here. Voice of Sin was not masqerading as a VoS clansmen, it is the initials of his name.

Post Fri May 30, 2003 4:39 pm

We have gotten off of the situation with the modding and acusations they have all been settled. The only thing that needed explaining was the conversation between Kuruption and whoever..... Kuruption has taken a leave from the server to persue other things and has left Perseus in charge. We are in the process of overhaulling the entire clan so it is rid of the stuff you mentioned but as for those arguments they are long gone and old.

There is nothing else that shows modding in NoTec and we have not accused Voice anymore recently nor will we, NOW...............

The Dark One,

Dark Sovereign

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