Good guys? Right...
WP and SE are no better than NEO or RN... Actually, that's not true. Both NEO and RN are superior... Why? Because we don't pretend to be angels.
We are better. No Question there. Why?
First we do not pretend to be angels. We never did, and never will.
Second, we do not support dock raping.
Third, we do not even dock rape war enemys when we can, and they start to "whine".
Fourth, we not even dock camp much at all, in this war, actually we nearly stop total with it. (and befor someone like tas said, because you can´t - even when we can, you may ask some of your own members about it)
Why we do not dockcamp? Cause the war makes much more fun, and it much more challanging if you give your target a few secs after start.
And yeah zop, I noticed that neo acts in this war lately more fair than most would espect.
Oh, and btw, even if your tolling would be rp (which is not the case, the idea behind maybe, but how you do it, its as much rp, as ordinary griefing in mmorpgs is), you would be still the bad guys
As the facts are, you are not only in rp still the bad guys
Getting better though.
[07:17 <Z0PharX> It's our duty to be idiots
Edited by - Apocalypse on 27-05-2003 02:26:12