Modded players indeed decrease server stability/free cpu load.
I saw someone last week using a strange vessal (big comet) with 8 guns on it on my server. It was 5 times larger then my Humpback !!
When I flew passed it, he shot some torpedoes/missiles at me (looked modded too). He probably did not know i host the server myself and when he launched the missiles : MAAAAN server went from 10 to 20Msec within one Msec !! Double the time due to one modder !! I banned him and I had to restart the server to get back at normal level in Msec. Everyone experienced some heavy lag at that moment...
I had to password my server due to too many cheaters/modders who f*ck up stability/free cpu load.
I had some Nomad Batteships visiting my server too and ofcourse those suckers starting with LVL38 in Newyork in a Starflier. They think we are crazy or what?
Well, this was about my personal experience with modders/cheaters. It's a shame I had to password my server and remove all the accounts, but now I have control over the accounts and it will keep cheaters / modders more away then before.