RES Rheinlanders Escort Service on Elite.
Basically if you need a fighter backup to take you somewhere that you aren't sure you can get to alone, you can ask us.
To hire one or more of us, find either : Hellmaster(myself), Stikfas_Captain, or Cooldude on Elite and ask. All payment issues will be resolved in the participating parties, and if more than one of us are around, you may ask for two of us to come with as opposed to just one, or if need be even more.
We all fly Rheinland ships which is where we get our name from. I fly a Banshee, as does Cooldude, while Stikfas flies a Valkyrie. Don't be put off by us not flying VHF's, any one of us COULD be, we fly the ships we fly by choice, and are very competent with them, so you are guaranteed a safe trip.
If you want to join us and fly one of the Rheinland fighters, then contact me ingame.
Just to reiterate, we are on Elite.