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NAT and the server

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:58 am

NAT and the server

Hi, folks. I found this site doing a search for Freelancer stuff; now, I'm hooked! I had trouble setting up a working server (more in a bit) and found some e-mail addresses here, and sent them e-mails asking for help. Because sometimes gamers tend to have a 1337 h4x0r mentality, sent it out to several people hoping for one good response. Fortunately, the users here prove that the 133t supercooldudes are the exception, not the rule. Many thanks go out to those who replied, even if it was only to say, "Sorry, dude, I didn't set up this server, e-mail this guy." You guys rock.

Here's my situation: I have a box sitting here just screaming for a server; have a DSL with 1.5down, not that great up but I'm looking into that. So, I thought, why not? I ran the server; it connected to the global server database and was listed, and of course using my game system - er, work system with a nice graphics card - I was able to log in and play. But no one came to play while I left it up, so I checked it out using a dialup after unplugging the ethernet; hmmm, its listed, but the ping never resolves, just says ???.
In the responses I got from everyone after my 'heeeeelp!' went out, 'make sure XP's firewall is off' and 'if you're going through a firewall, make sure it passes UDP 2302.' Well, I wasn't using a firewall; I have the DSL plugged right into my switch, and the other 'puters plugged into the switch (non-programable switch, not much more than a glorified hub, really), so what was the problem? (Yes, I'm a newbie to networking).

Finally after calling my brother, who does networking crud for a living, we got to looking at my DSL modem, a Netopia Gateway 3341. In all, its a pretty cool modem; can be accessed for setup with its internal webserver, just enter its 192.blah.blah address and the admin password, and away you go. It has DHCP server so you can just tell Windows to take whatever address its given. Pretty cool for a not-too knowledgable person who wants DSL; just plug and go, really.

It has quite a bit of advanced functionality, however. There's a feature in there called Nat Pinholes, which allows you to pass TCP/UDP ports on to a specific machine on your network; I guess its a sort of NAT translation on the cheap.

So, I configured it to pass port 2302 on to, then set up the server to have a static IP of the same number, and fired it up. Voila, it works!

Now, I just need to see how effective my line/system are.....
Anyone wanting to play, its an open system, " -Dick Smegma's 24/7 Cheeseathon", address, website

Ok, the names are juvenile, sorry, its a personal joke from years ago when I was younger and not as classy as the humble geek you see before you now.
If you would play around on my system, and e-mail me with complaints/suggestions, I'd sure appreciate it. I hope my long ramble helps someone set up a great Freelancer server!


Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 6:50 pm

your connection will handle between 20 and 30 players if you pass ports 2300-2400. (don't do nothing else on the net though).

Software firewalls are crapola. Your routers NAT firewall, when used properly, will make every computer behind it virtually unhackable while consuming no resources what so ever.

Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 9:59 pm

LOL, i thought you were asking for help but instead you solved everything already

Post Tue Apr 22, 2003 12:04 am

Solved? You shoulda heard the language I was using with my DSL modem.... Man, I'm glad my Grandma isn't alive to wash my mouth out for that....

It *is* solved, and more importantly, I learned a bit doing it. Now, to tackle setting up a Telnet server under XP.........

Post Tue Apr 22, 2003 9:20 am

heh, u dont want to hear *my* language when my router decided to stop working...

and yes, you learn only by doing. sometimes you wanna kill that thing, but after u succeeded, ull never forget how to do it

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