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(please dont delete) Server Ideas:

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Wed Apr 23, 2003 11:28 am

nice idea, now we must get some modder to do this... ill ask around

Have A Burger At Milliways..
.. And Start Watch The Universe Fall.. - Hichickers Guide To The Galaxy.. (I HAVE NOT READ IT, LOL)
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Post Wed Apr 23, 2003 11:38 am

This is a VERY good idea, then there can be real clans, with theire own territory own base and battle ship. The one who tought of this could only be the Commander of AFT!!

Post Wed Apr 23, 2003 1:44 pm

Hey sounds really cool !!! Altough I doubt that all of that stuff will be moddable (sourcecode) it must be possible to get at least a part of this running.

ST Armada was great, Freelancer ROCKS [![![!

Post Wed Apr 23, 2003 2:31 pm

dont forget to give each clan reputations so that they may set it towards other members. Then it would make the operations near each base much easier (meaning the people who are allowed to trade at this base)

Post Sat Apr 26, 2003 6:18 pm

we got FANS!!!


Have A Burger At Milliways..
.. And Start Watch The Universe Fall.. - Hichickers Guide To The Galaxy.. (I HAVE NOT READ IT, LOL)
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Post Sun Apr 27, 2003 5:28 am

After playing for hours the Babylon5 server, I bought some ships that are only available for the computer in the original game, as the "Armored Transport Ship" (that is bigger than Humpack and can support up to 500 units of load) and a Battleship.
Before this, I already played in the servers named "Elite", "Alpha Centaury 2" and "= FREELANCER =". Without MOD, it is very fast and easy to get the best ship of the game and 1 or 2 million credit (I normally reach this after play for about 10 hours, once in the beginning I always am a trader and win much money in good routes). This is very easy to be made for a more experienced player, and then, it is game over for me, once i cant evolve my ships beyond this. Normally I go from Starflyer to Clydesdale to Humpack to Titan and there are no better ships to buy.
If we could buy computers ships, that would be a complete diferent history: the "Armored Transport Ship", for example, costs 3.8 million credits, what becomes really accessible only by very experienced traders and makes possible to carry 500 units of cargo, what means more emotion when trading; a "Battleship" cost more than 20 million credits and each one of its accessories costs about 1 million of crefits, what would be a big challenge even to more experienced players to obtain this kind of ship. It would enhance the emotion and life time of the game for these players with the same character.
I also perceived that the simple release of this computer ships for the players would not to intervene with the original gameplay, once the original game characteristics will not be changed (no changes to original ships, ...). This would only add to more ships and weapons, making the game much more cool and diversified.
What Elite and other server administrators think about this?

P.S.: this is the second time I post this message. Sorry.

Post Sun Apr 27, 2003 6:08 am

Just how does that Battleship work? Would seem very hard to dock anywhere with it.

Post Sun Apr 27, 2003 7:36 am


I guess I belong to the ranks of people who think Freelancer MP (Great as it is) falls a little bit short of the mark. I'm new to the game and after wading through the editing forum I guess quite alot can be done with Freelancer?

My thought was to write some additional utils (which I can do given the info on the data) to allow a server admin to act as a Gamesmaster, he could them locate new bases, weapons platforms, trade routes e.t.c at the request of clans, assuming they had the materials and the money to pay for it e.t.c

Could each clan be given a faction (Outcasts,Hessians e.t.c) The clan factions could start with no natural allies, and be hostile to the other player clans and NPC criminals e.t.c That would prevent the opposition from docking at your bases and allow any NPC factions you invite to live\trade in your system, to help defend it.

I thought it would be fun if the Gamesmaster\Admin limited all available clan ships and weapons to a low level (Daggers,Bloodhounds e.t.c) that way he could introduce new weapons and ships as and when he sees fit or a clan earns them, or introduce a new NPC faction\small sub clan with level 10 ships to try and get the waring resident clans, to unite against a common enemy e.t.c

I think a Gamesmaster\Admin would really allow the galaxy to come alive and respond to player actions? Of course the Gamesmaster\Admin's job would have to be made as easy as possible, but even then it could be time consuming.

There are a couple of things that are bugging me though, how to keep track of the materials each clan delivers to there base, how would a clan bank account work and just what can the Admin change on a server without having to bring it down for days on end? Is it possible for an admin to view\edit players account details i.e faction alliance money e.t.c?

Either way just the bare bones of some thoughts, keep up the good work guys, nice to see your ideas are capturing other peoples imagination.


Edited by - Phibes on 27-04-2003 08:47:52

Post Sun Apr 27, 2003 11:03 am

Here's what I think:
You should be able to disable the base, but not destroy it. It'd be too easy to just get a whole lot of clan members together and attack an enemy base while there are no enemy clan members online. If a base was disabled, then you could land there, but nothing would work, and all you could do was pay to repair. A complete repair would cost about 20-25% of the original cost.

Big Bases (ie battleships) shouldn't be able to move, but clan members should be able to pilot smaller ships (i.e. cruisers, transports etc.) which can moor with the base, as well as other bases.

Pricing shouldn't just be based merely on the armament of the base, but also on what class of ship, equipment etc. can be bought there. The base should generate it's own equipment in addition to holding equipment that can be bought there as well. The base should also be able to hold equipment, ships and commodoties that can't be bought, that are simply the property of the clan.

There should be a limit of one base per clan, and the clan leader should have to contact the admin to request a base and establish that they are really a clan. This would stop overcrowding and stop rich independent players from buying a base just for themselves. Clan leaders should be able to request the location by preference, ie 1. Omicron Theta F3, 2. Omicron Theta F4 etc.

Also, people should be able to meet in bars. I think this and more might be good for an expansion pack.

What do you people think?

Post Sun Apr 27, 2003 11:17 am

good idea Hoon!!!!

and about what ship that could be sold and weapons can be like:

you start with selling level 1 ships like: patriots, rhinos and startrackers.
when you play a clan tournament the prices are:

1.increase one ship level to be sold at the base and one gun level .

(only one ship can be sold at the base, the clan chooses which one when they win but every clan starts to sell a startracker. guns: you start to sell the level 1 guns.. when u win a tournament and get allowed to increase the level the clan chooses 3 kinds of the new level guns to be sold etc.)

2.increase one ship level to be sold at the clan base.
3.increase one gun level to be sold at the base.

and i agree to that the repair should be like 25% of the orginal cost... but maby it could be randomized as how much the base is damaged..

the base could maximum be damaged like 75%.. and then u have to pay 75% of the orginal prize to repair and so on.

but it shouldnt be so easy to destroy a base that much.. because when no clan members are online the other clan can just go there and launch some torpedos and then the other clan must pay 75% almost everyday.. so the destruction shouldnt be easy...

anyway.. is this possible?

Have A Burger At Milliways..
.. And Start Watch The Universe Fall.. - Hichickers Guide To The Galaxy.. (I HAVE NOT READ IT, LOL)
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Post Sun Apr 27, 2003 9:06 pm

I like the idea.
It has major potential, especially since the game is so vast and has many areas of interest to explore. The only negative side to this, is based upon server capacity. With a server that can only hold 30 players indefinately, this would be a pain for people who own a base and can not log in. The only way to solve this is to add more server capacity, which would mean a much larger strain on individual servers. Apart from that, the idea is good.

Maybe, as an addition, the reclusive players could own a much smaller form of base, maybe one that can hold loot. It would have to have a special form of identity system which would look at your ship ID, and so on. This would be great to put in very high risk areas of the games. But just another idea, if only the servers could hold an additional 30 to 60 players.

The slightest sanity within someone without sanity, is that faded voice in the back of their mind saying "help me"

Post Wed Apr 30, 2003 6:11 am

one thing i would like is "hardcore" if you die you start over.

two captureable stations,(you cripple it , you take over) after its yours the computer still operates it, you just defend.

three instead of a 24/7 i would perfer mission timer (say server will be up at 12 noon, at 12 midnight controlling clan wins) imagine everyone working feverishly to get and deny others the best ships for a few hrs, then the climactic battle at the end.

all of this is very clan oriented and not suited to just casual gamers , instead it would actully promote some competetion.

ive one question, if system chat can be logged, could a server side script be written to deleate a player when the "player (name) has died" pops up?

Post Wed Apr 30, 2003 7:44 am

i dont think that starting over thing is so good.. its really not fun...

Have A Burger At Milliways..
.. And Start Watch The Universe Fall.. - Hichickers Guide To The Galaxy.. (I HAVE NOT READ IT, LOL)
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Post Thu May 01, 2003 1:11 am


dont get so wrapped up in having the best ship and weapons. i love a good dogfight wiether it be low or high end machines. think more of the statigy you would have to use in that type of senerio. 30 players at once, say 5 per faction , would give you 6 teams at once going for the same thing. at what point do you stop trading and upgrading and go for the jugular? the way the game is today is lame, no stratigizing, except for maybe lvl1s trying there best to evade lvl38s. this game needs some type of team oriented goals!

too bad the old Starlance league (mechcommander) died out, for 2yrs it was the best reason of all to play multiplayer. ever since its just the same ole legits vs hackers , whine and flame war, in every single multiplayer game ive come across.

Post Thu May 01, 2003 9:40 am

perhaps that is good if u get people to do that but i would never play like that.

maby if you lost your ship, guns and stuff when you die but not the cash..
otherwise the game would take years..

Have A Burger At Milliways..
.. And Start Watch The Universe Fall.. - Hichickers Guide To The Galaxy.. (I HAVE NOT READ IT, LOL)
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