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banned because of Sid

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Post Fri Apr 18, 2003 8:31 pm

banned because of Sid

I'm trying to start this subject because I'm sure many others will add to it. I was playing a multiplayer game on the seatle 24/7 server when I was offered free money by a player, I had just started a characture so I was happy for any help I could get. A characture named Sid just gave me 10,000,000 credits. I didn't really look at the amount before I hit accept, but when I landed to get a new ship I realised how much I had gotten. I don't know any cheats for this game, I never even bothered to look them up. All I did was accept money from Sid, I'm betting there are other players out there that have also been banned for accepting money from him. If so please speak up, I know there are more people out there because I saw you all speaking in chat about what you were buying with your newly aquired money. I don't wunna get banned from other servers or contenue to be banned from this one because of this. Nor do I wish anyone else to be banned by this one player sabotasing other's good time.


Post Fri Apr 18, 2003 8:48 pm

It's called, "server admin knee **** reaction". What happened is that when you were given the money, your level status jumped from 1 to 30+ instantly. Since some, but not all, events in the servers is logged, the Admin saw the massive level up and automatically assumed that you were cheating and with no investigation what-so-ever, banned you. Admins who behave in this manner are almost as bad as cronic player killers when it comes to making the game fun for all. Your best recourse is to Email the admin and tell him how you got leveled up so quickly. Unless he is a true J E R K about it, he will most likely remove the ban. A player giving you money is NOT cheating and players should never be banned just because a friend gave him a large amount of money.

The best solution to this problem would be if D.A. included player transactions in the server logs. That way the admin could see that player A gave player B a load of money, thus causing player B to take a massive level jump. perfectly legal transaction.

Board admin: Notice the HUGE grammer problem your censorship program has. Please send it back to school to learn the english language in a proper fashion. Thank you. :p

Your BBS is also seeing edited messages as dupes from time to time.

Edited by - Nog on 18-04-2003 21:52:53

Post Sat Apr 19, 2003 5:38 am

10,000,000 gift credits isn't cheating? Perhaps it is more fun to have an orgasm before intercourse. This should be addressed by server admins. Gift amounts, freq, etc.
I ain't never heard of anyone such anal 'bout English that was such a cheet, cept that last President we had.
Your Momma

Post Sat Apr 19, 2003 6:06 am

dont worry about it.. the admin there is a half ass.. I got banned for no reason at all in seattle- maybe cause of my name or saying that the server was a laggy pos.. that's no reason to ban an account

Post Sat Apr 19, 2003 6:58 am

Good to know, good to know. Started a hitlist; Nog = 1

Post Sat Apr 19, 2003 7:21 am

Geez Nog, you're still going on about that.

Post Sun Apr 20, 2003 12:23 am

Question for everyone, have you ever tried to investigate an estimated 50 new cheaters a day?

Sorry for the occassional knee-**** reaction in banning as you so call it, but if I see someone get a sudden increase of 10 mill credits, yea I am gonna ban him.

Ohh and Sid was a cheater himself. So this brings up my other rule

If you take money from a cheater, it is as good as cheating yourself.

Visit my server
24/7 Seattle Based

Post Sun Apr 20, 2003 12:34 am

"If you take money from a cheater, it is as good as cheating yourself."

Ahh, yes, but what if the person accepting the money doesn't know the person giving it cheated it? 10 million may be a bit obvious, but a small amount like 500k or 1 million is innocent enough. And he said he didn't look at the amount before hitting accept, careless maybe, but you shouldn't blame him for it. Also, the only way to get rid of that money is either to give it back (if they'd take it), buy really expensive stuff repeatitively and then sell back everything, or delete the character (something you might not want to do if you have gotten decently far).

Personally I find that logic very flawed, but since I don't play on the Seattle based server I couldn't really care less :\


Post Sun Apr 20, 2003 7:04 am

Then I'll let you think about this folks. If you think being givin money is cheating, then you may as well ban every clan member here.

Got news for you, Clanners got loads of money in Freelancer, and when new clan members get on, you can bet there's another with about 5 million credits waiting by Manhatton. I give cash to every member in my clan, but I don't cheat to get it.
Are they cheating too?

It does not matter one whit weather the other player was cheating. The fact of the matter is the player that was givin the money was not. He may not have even known that the first player was cheating untill he got the money. It was obviose that he didn't expect such a large amount of it. Don't like that fact?
Go cry to momma. You think 20 mil is a lot in Freelancer? Think again. 20 mil is an easy night in the dromedary using your brains to run the best shipping and hitting up the right derelicts on the way.
Throw in a few smooth weapons deals (Some of the smarter elite player know I buy and sell any guns that are spare and unspoken for by my clan), and you got your 20 million before the Late Show comes on the tube.

You guys think may think it's cheating,but Freelancers all about teamwork. It's also about using your brains. Something that the latest replys here seem to show a distinct lack of... If you operate as a loner, you'll stay poor. See that trade screen? See that money selector in it? Yes? Good! Now don't whine any more about people giving money to other people.

Post Sun Apr 20, 2003 12:27 pm

sorry to butt in but,

hey nog i think u missed his point. he is sayin that if u took money from a CHEATER, then that is considered cheating as well. its the same thing on our server. legit money can be given in any amount tho.

now i do understand ur point of how could u know if he is a cheater. i always ask (if the money is legit or not). that is the very least u can do. u will probably get a lie in return but at least u asked. and our server admins use the age old line "ignorance of the law is no excuse". slightly modified to our present situation of course. just be very careful who u take money from on that server i guess. and remember 2 things :

1) life and freelancer aint always fair
2) plenty other servers out there to play on (come see me on mine, ill give ya clean money any time man!)


Post Sun Apr 20, 2003 5:52 pm

I did'nt take any money and got banned- try the frozen server.. did'nt have any problems with lag and 30 peeps.. so far pretty good

Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:16 pm

"Also, the only way to get rid of that money is either to give it back (if they'd take it), buy really expensive stuff repeatitively and then sell back everything, or delete the character (something you might not want to do if you have gotten decently far)."

OT, but, fill your cargo hold with the most expensive commodities you can find, and jettison it. Rinse wash repeat. You can shed extra money really quickly this way.


Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 6:28 pm

Kergen: I understand, (and actually agree with) everybodies elses point (and yours) on this. But I do not believe our origonal poster knew he was recieveing money from a cheater untill he got it. In that case, I would only say that he had been Duped, not that he was a cheater. In fact, I would go as far as to say that he was victemized by the cheater. What is making me mad about this is that everyone here is accusing a player of cheating even though that players was not intending to cheat.

If you receive stolen money, but do not know it is stolen, are you guilty of the theft? I bet there are a lot of people here that would say yes, untill it happened to them.

I ragged on the posters because they obviously did not think things through before posting their opinions. I took over half an hour to study the persons complaint before I even hit the reply button on my first post here. Part of my reply stems from the fact that there has been a recent rash of players getting banned from servers as cheaters for being given much smaller amounts of money that was gained legitamately. Part of this is because of the real cheaters, another part is because of the fact that Freelancers activity logs make bare bones look fat. I have a character on "Cygmus" that is holding nearly 100 million credits and about 60 guns, all of it made legitamately. If I were to give another player as little as 1 million, that player risks being banned because the admin would see a sudden 30 level jump without knowing why it happened.

The best way to defeat cheaters is to know they are there. An admin cannot know who is cheating without extensive server and player activity logs. Freelancers logs are barely enough to perform diagnotics on the server engine, for the server admin they are next to useless.

I am not trying to put down anyone here. I am trying to prod people in to thinking what they are saying. The last thing Freelancer needs is a digital "Spanish Inquisition" going on across the servers. That will kill this game faster than anything else will.

The best thing for Freelancer would be for D.A. to release the server patch very quickly before all this gets out of hand. Something that is happening VERY quickly, by the sound of things.

If this is a dupe, sorry,but the forum is acting weird and didn't post it before (even though it says it did).

Post Tue Apr 22, 2003 8:57 am

ahhhh gotcha!! very well said nog!


Post Tue Apr 22, 2003 2:56 pm

I hate to butt in here...but reading this thread makes me think.....

The Admin of the server in question is fully within his rights to ban the accounts in question, however, prior to banning, it should have been investigated. I'm sure the original poster would have cooperated during any inquiry.

The person who cheated, if he's a known cheater, should have been banned anyway.

On my server (--Argonus--) I only allow certain people in there...I may not have a lot of people, but at least I know they aren't cheating.

I tried leaving it open, but ended up having so many wasn't funny (dam cheaters) Also caused me to have to reinstall the game 4 times.

Until the server patch somes out, we have to be vigilant...but Admins also have to be fair, or they will run non-cheating players off.


Something Awful

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