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any convincing reasons to keep playing ?

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Post Thu Apr 17, 2003 2:11 am

any convincing reasons to keep playing ?


Great game, really fun, I've played lots of it by now.

I was wondering if anyone has any good convincing reasons as to why one should keep playing (talking MP here, not SP, since SP is a bore now that MP is discovered).

I mean, what's the point... trade runs? These get so boring. It's okay in a convoy, but then it gets boring unless there's some player who tries to pirate you.

Pirating? The AI is so easy, it's a joke! So what's next? Players! Yes, but most servers barely have any players!

Players? Yes, all the players are in the omega system getting nomad guns... yay so much fun.

Nomad guns? Yes! And class 10 shields! Now, what's the point to go further on with this? You're practicly invincible!

Police? Sure this is fun... patrol liberty for player killers. But once you dispatch a few of them, the PKers never come back.

The list goes on... I don't know, it seems the game lost some of it's flair.


Post Thu Apr 17, 2003 3:32 am

There are all sorts of stuff you can do. Challange yourself to try to get on the neutral-good side of all NPC groups (REALLY TOUGH TO DO!!). If you're more of a fighter pilot, get yer azz to omega and forget about the nomads, they're only good if you have 2 high energy demanding gunz like diamondbacks to solve your energy issues but not drop too much damage. About the fighter pilot thing, start dueling, or pk'ing people out there. But dont be a **** about it, pk ppl once or twice and leave them be. I really hate it when people launch kill, it's so lame and doesn't prove anything. That's why i suggest dueling. Both players start off in equal positions, and a true test of your piloting abilities in the ship you've essentially designed. And if that's not your style, I guess you could become a pirate. I suggest getting really good at fighting first though. When you see people come into your system with goods, demand they drop them and if they say no.. GOOOOOD BYE!!!! blow them up =). Or if they have no goods, demand money, but that usually doesn't work because of how little to no penalty there is for death in this game.
Anyway thos are just my thoughts, i'm sure there are TONS of other things too do too out there in MP that i havn't thought of. Something else that i JUST thought of and might be fun to do (but i woudlnt suggest it) is try to start a war between two clans you have nothing to do with and see the aftermath, hehe, you might even want to become a "gun for higher". Make some cash, and watch your work unfold .


Post Thu Apr 17, 2003 3:58 am

found a new server (which lags =(
currently testing out the drake ship, finding out how viable it is.
gonna move up to the banshee and possibly valk next....
and I am getting these without running traderoutes at all..
trade is good for getting to level 38 like *SNAP* that, but after a few level 38's,
with different ships(3)/equipment/occupation it looses some of the fun...
mainly because there is nothing left to "do" in the sense that nothing is _REALLY_
challenging.... I WANNA BLOW UP BATTLESHIPS AND BASES!!!!! *cry*

This is accually quite rewarding for me, also it is kinda fun, helping out
lower levels, when you are actually in danger you self.

"Keep it icy, man .. I dont want to end up a corpse before my time, because YOU were daydreaming[!"

Post Thu Apr 17, 2003 5:19 am

try doing what i do when i get really with your eyes closed.

Post Thu Apr 17, 2003 7:25 am

Yep, personally I stopped playing for a bit. But only until they finish tweaking the components mod, and the random capship patrols mod. Like you said, it's no challenge when you're fully kitted out. You can even sit back and laugh as the police attack you with their puny lasers. But it's gonna be more exciting if you've got a cruiser and several gunboats on your tail... yeah!

The Privateer mod team hopefully will get these in, as well as modding the random missions. Now that we actually HAVE a 'form-on-wing' command, we suddenly have no "escort and defend" ship missions. Weird isn't it? (well, not really, considering what MS did when Chris Roberts left :p ). Vote of thanks to the modders, I say good luck.

" In Defeat, Malice; In Victory, Revenge[! "

Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 2:56 pm

lol if you wanna blow up battle ships and shiznat and fly em then download the mod i think its called Rayens mod or something but is really fun everything is diffrent than normal sp the one server that uses it is called "**NO LIMITS UNIVERSE**" see ya there.

-Those who do not submit to change, will become change its self.

Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 4:21 pm

try to lvl up whitout using the spoilers forum and get some of your mates addicted to freelancer, and stop flying that titan.

Man you must be nuts, really nuts, you are reading my signiture[!

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