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FL Multiplayer isnt all good

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 9:41 am

just take it that a game called freelancer lets you do freelance jobs if you would do them together it would be named cooperation.

Just get some of you friends addicted to the game and you can shoot each ofther out of the sky every weekend.

Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 9:52 am

But if its called Freelancer and you have to do freelance missions, then why is it online?

You can do freelance Missions Offline aswell cant ya?

Beats the purpose of Multiplayer doesnt it?

Anyways, I just go on servers, rank a lil then beat the crap outta every1 i see

But the high lvl'ers always get me

Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 1:10 pm

guess thats because of you beating lv 1 all the time. Now wheres the fun in that?? Oh, I guess you are a mean machine when u beat them all up. lol

Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 1:52 pm

Nah I always beat up higher lvl ppl

Especially when they got cargo ^_^

Eg. today I bet lvl 1 while I was lvl 1, then bet lvl 5 guy while I was lvl 2

Got him by surprise

He dropped nice stuff ^_^

Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 4:44 pm

well, I dont see the fun in level fightning. The rank is only based on money,

which any monkey can get. I personally help out other lv 1 or similar, that way

the commuinty get better


Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 5:48 pm

I have been teaming up with a friend of mine, mostly on missions or trade runs.

When we see other players, we nail 'em.

Oh yeah, it's nice to get on a game, not see people, and just concentrate on amping up your ship. But trust me, FL is a good place for serious clan wars. Imagine if some group decided to cut off a system...just mark a base as their own and deny access? The fur could really fly.

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 9:54 am

Have to agree with MISTERFOUR with the clan wars. FL MP would be a great battlefield. On the other hand, in respons to PK, it all depends on which server u play on. Wheter its allowed or not. Personally I prefer "good" servers where people can help each other out to start with. There is enough missions to go around a lifetime and therefore the PK should be restricted to clanwars. But again, its all about the server and the people that play there. I love my FL server and I am not gonna throw away 30 hours or so with good playing. ;-)

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 10:08 am

It would be cool if A server held 100ppl, and there were like 6 clans

With 5-10ppl each and the rest normal players

Then it would rock

Clans not allowed certain areas cause its other clans turf, and players allowed unless clans make it no go zone

Even better if clans or players have option of telling others to drop cargo

So you can threaten em

If they drop it, then they cant be killed for 1min

Else you cna kill em then take their cargo

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