Multiplayer is horror 101%
What i encountered was absolutely shocking,... never have i seen a game so great and vast in single player, and so apalingly bad in multiplayer. I played for about 8 hours on several good pinging server only to find, lots of level 38 players in new york chasing the level 1 players, players with impenetrable shields, players with 9,999,999 $. Much lag,... even the good servers have lag moments.
The computer ships fly totally irradic zigzags, and loops at the same time,... i'd say even they lag somehow, making what in SP are piece of cake kills, into level 38 computer pilots, although it says their level 1,...
And after i finally got to level 10 and started to get more money, the server resetted, and i was back at level 1.
Only to restart all over, meeting a other level 1 pilot that has a buddy with extra cash, making him instantly level 20.
This did not happen all in one server (actually all of the above happened on all servers!), just all servers that had below 300 ping to my location.
That comming patch better be 100mb's big otherwise i dont think the multiplayer part is worth 1$.