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Newbie Questions

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 2:07 pm

Newbie Questions

Hello all!

OK, got onto the elite server last night and had a blast! It's nice to find a persistent world that isn't full of h4ck3rz to pl-l34r :-)

OK, ran a few missions and got the next fighter up from the starflier (looks like the one King uses in SP) but a few questions came to mind:

1) combat. most of my missions were against the Order and it seems that the most effective strategy was a) go head to head b) hit afterburners after passing c) get about 1k away d) turn and repeat as necessary. My lasers were more powerful and my shields were stronger with these level 1 guys, but I know it can't be that easy all the time. Are there proven strategies to use against different factions?

2) I learned that missiles in a debris field are useless

3) OK, it *seems* that with a bigger faster ship your rate of earning should increase (i.e. Order ships in Liberty space go down more quickly which means more missions/hour) Am I off base here?

4.a) anyone want to share any decent money runs?
4.b) Which ship/space sector would be recommended for a character that wants to be an .....I guess anti-pirate would be the best way to describe it. vigilante, freelancer :-D whatever?

I love reading opinions and ideas from others. Thanks.

Post Thu Apr 10, 2003 2:47 am

you fought the order??????????????????????????????????????????

Post Thu Apr 10, 2003 3:48 am

I think they were order ships, the job was given to me by a policeman in Manhattan bar.

Post Sat Apr 12, 2003 6:10 am

those are liberty such thing as the order in Multi

Edited by - 1337 on 12-04-2003 07:10:09


Post Sat Apr 12, 2003 8:32 am

depending on what level you're atis how you would really decide where to go... for most lower level chars you would want to stick mostly in Liberty then move on to Bretonia and then goto Rhineland or Kusari space... from there once you've built up enough cash you should be able to head out to the border worlds... and there's usually always a lawful faction somewhere in most systems... just keep looking around... have fun

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