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Player complaint: SSTrunks

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Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 7:58 pm

Trunks, not only are you an asshole, you can't seem to read fkn english. I NEVER LIED ABOUT ANYTHING. I reported exactly what happened. You PK'ed all three of us intentionally in Liberty Space just inside the Cali Jump Gate. How many times do I have to repeat myself? I didn't mention the time you PK'ed us JUST BEFORE in Cortez because that, in itself, is not important.

So, whatever, be proud that you won vs two Cavaliers and a Rhino. Sorry I can't give you a fkn trophy. PK all you want I don't give a ****, but you broke the rules, you know it, and there are witnesses to back me up. You don't like me posting on here about you? Afraid I'll tarnish your rep? Gimme a break man... maybe you are the one that needs to get a life. Or at least learn to read the fkn rules when you join a server.

I can live with people calling me names on the internet, crybaby? lol. I'd rather be a crybaby and never see this idiot on Elite again than let him get away w/o saying anything.

Admins, are the rules on Elite enforced or not? If you guys don't take this seriously that's fine but at least let me know if I'm wasting my time. Thanks.

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 8:34 pm


Sure we take it seriously. But we don't ban unless there's undisputed facts (which there are not in this word against his), or we see it happening ourselves, or the offender continues after being warned.

SStrunks seems to know the rules. I would be surprised to find him PK'ing anymore in Liberty for any reason. I'm sure he knows he'd be banned now since you spoke up about this. Problem solved really, Durtee you have the admins watching SSTrucks closer now, and SStrucks, you know the rules as well as anyone I'm sure by now.

Please don't sink to calling each other names here. That's not what this forum is for guys n gals an it's the bigger scheme of things, really not worth it.

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 8:36 pm

Revenge is for children, and the emotionally retarded.


Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 12:26 am

Nice sig pic Sadistic! LOL

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 12:33 am

Trent's buttocks arnt really that taught in the game...I added that in via photoshop. You're all welcome, heh heh.

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 3:31 am

Durtee, I LMAO at you. Why? Because all you can do is cry and call me names. It's that's what floats your boat, then flame away at me. But you know what? Unless you play on another server, you WILL cross my path, and if it's not Liberty, I WILL be an a** hole and PK you over and over again. Are there rules on having a limit on how many times I can PK outside of Liberty? Because if there isn't, I guess there's going to be more flaming of me here because I'm shooting you down till my heart's desire. So continue to flame away at me, but in reality, all you can do is TALK, but I can BACKUP my talk.

Thank you and good day.

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 4:11 am

This thread is a classic, it's got it all. Comedy (sometimes deep humor), controversy, intrigue, anger, compromise, a theme, bitterness...

...where's the love?

I give it a solid 9 out of 10.

Rob "Stinger" Lordier
Moderator - Lancers Reactor
Creator Privateer FAQ
no good deed will ever go unpunished

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 6:56 am

ROFL @ Trunks. Anyway... see ya around man. I acomplished what I came here to do.

Thanks to Stinger for your response.

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 6:58 am

LOL @ Stinger. Glad I could make this thread assuming =P.


Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 7:45 am

Yeah I do have to thank you both for providing me with some laughs...see you out there

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 4:20 pm


I'll give you some love you dirty sonofa @!#$%

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 5:25 pm

Quote: "Durtee, I LMAO at you. Why? Because all you can do is cry and call me names."

LOL, aside form the fact that telling someone you "LMAO" at them is lame hell, thats not all hes doing. Hes complaing, that simple. Sure hes pissed, might resort to calling you what you

Quote: "So continue to flame away at me, but in reality, all you can do is TALK, but I can BACKUP my talk."

What in the hell are you talking about? Backup your talk? He came to put forth an issue...and succeeded by gaining the attention of admins and the community. Theres nothing TO backup, are you maybe reffering to the in game situation? Seems to me like the only one that talks **** about his skills and attitude is you. Whatever it is youre saying, it makes no sense.

Im not saying SStrunks is guilty, I am saying hes a moron.

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 5:44 pm

Anyone else think this thread has outlived it's usefulness yet? Now it's just a mud-slinging contest which is DIRECTLY against the rules and regs of this web site.

Where's the love folks?

Ca-Lickity click!

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