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Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 9:05 am


-fight club- (at fort bush)

Rules of Fight Club
1. You do not talk about 'Fight Club'.
2. You do not talk about 'Fight Club'.
3. When someone yells "Stop" or cruises out, the fight is over.
4. Only two guys to a fight.
5. One fight at a time.
6. No shields, no nanos.
7. Fights go on as long as they have to.
8. If this is your first night at 'Fight Club', you have to fight.

so you spent 6 hours gettin tha best stuff. spent 2 hours huntin down nomads and becoming tha best you think you can be. now what? you're now an ultimate peice of twisted metal, so... what are you gonna do with that power? give to tha poor? beautiful. remind yourself why you're here.

with tha fight club... you can be sure to join any server n' expect a nice fight goin on at fort bush. n' it's easy to get to so an audience would be a coo thing to form up.

people gotta fight. it's intense n' stress relieving. n' it's a pain in tha booty to hunt someone down in tha omicrons to get a nice fight goinnn.

fortbush is in tha center of tha universe n' there's no rogue traffic. well known place. nice square arena. good place to fight.

honestly... i'm kinda tired of tradin n' getting "tha best stuff" tons of times. tired of fightin predictable AI n' helpin new playas. i wanna be able to hop on a server n' know there's a group of people one hop away workin on their booties off tryin ta duel. straight up action..

n' i know tha servers out there "NO PK IN LIBERTY DAMNIT!#!@". is not PK. it's a group of people collectively agreeing to get harmed. one fight at a time.

i'ma see you there


Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 1:32 pm

I will check it out, once I am at a server again ... somehow did not played since friday.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 5:40 pm

hey - HI PJ!!!
(gotta be, right?)


Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 5:50 pm

noticed that alot in this forum..everyone advertises servers etc..but never leaves an ip :/ lol


Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 7:45 pm

uhm, he did not add for a server, he add for an idea ... meet on every server at fort bush and have their the fight club ...

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 8:31 pm

apoc, yessa. =D

jus a common standard fo any server out there.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 9:20 pm

Not on my server (TLR-GOLD) and the others (ELITE, Don't panic! etc. ) that have agreed with no PK'ing in the Liberty system.

Why not just run your own server and invite everyone?

Edited by - Stinger on 17-03-2003 21:24:20

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 9:50 pm

sting, it's a bit different than pk n' stuff.

tha purpose of "no pk in liberty" is purely to not put any conflict on new players starting on the server and people trying to get business down. in fight club, no one gets harmed that doesn't wish to get harmed. so fight club doesn't infinge on this purpose. tha purpose of tha rule is preserved.

(oooOoo. soundin all technicall. gimme ma cookies545j4)

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 9:52 pm

ohoh, n' think about it as helpin tha server out a lil.

it gets PKers off tha streets n' trade routs to a place to fight people that wanna be fought.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 9:57 pm

Why not just run your own server or better yet, find a different place other than Liberty where this wouldn't even be considered an issue? PK'ing is Pk'ing, no matter how you "spin" it.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 10:09 pm

if no one complains you will never hear


Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 10:51 pm

Due to the email Apocalypse has registered on this webiste, I have no choice but to make this statement within this thread.

Instead of trying to suggest people that run servers change their ways to accommidate this idea, I'll ask again, why not just run your OWN server Apocalypse then you can do whatever you please. No one is saying this couldn't be done on other servers, just not specific ones. Create a server, invite all your friends, let them" fightclub" it on YOUR server. In the meantime, there is still no PK'ing allowed on TLR-Gold or Elite. There are 10's of hundred's of other servers out there that you can play this on, why not go there?

My server, my rules, your server, your rules.

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Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 11:15 pm

hey- i'm not forcin anyone.

it's in tha hands of tha people now. =D

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