custom ship packs for everything
-1 new LF
-1 new HF
-1 new VHF
-1 new CRUISER
-1 new GUNBOAT
they can come from different ship packs, however. but i need to apply the same texture for them, changing some stats depending of the ship and even hardpoints. also i need to change the ship names for more adequated names for my house (based on brazil) and infocards. but i'll keep the credits.
just some considerations:
- the ships should not to be very strong, or with lots of weapons or internal weapons. also, they need to seem like freelancer ships. i mean, nothing of battleships with lots of guns or shields or something. the ships need to have stats according to their category (it would be crazy if i have a lf with 60 cargo space), have, at maximum, 1 cd/t or cd hardpoint and the maximum of 10 total hardpoints. (including one for the mine, one for countermeasure, and one for cruise disruptor or torpedo). i know that i'm not very cool saying all these "rules", but i want to keep balanced my mod.
Member of TLR since I'm registered here. Duh.
Making the Amazonia MOD. Work in progress.