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Mbases/Universe.ini Headache

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Sat Oct 13, 2007 4:54 am

I would assume that if you didn't declare an npc then mbases would stop processing it from that first error, then no one would show up at any base after that.

Post Sat Oct 13, 2007 10:58 am

faction = li_n_grp
weight = 13
offers_missions = true
mission_type = DestroyMission, 0.000000, 0.112387, 30
npc = li0101_lnavy_001_f <-- Check and mark sure your npc has add here. maybe Freelancer will enumerate the value and found npc.

nickname = li0101_lnavy_001_f <-- make sure the npc are exist
body = li_female_elite_body
head = pl_female1_head
lefthand = benchmark_female_hand_left
righthand = benchmark_female_hand_right
individual_name = 220007
affiliation = li_n_grp <--- take look^^
voice = rvp511
misn = DestroyMission, 0.000000, 0.112387
room = bar <--- make sure your npc in correctly room

and if bartender not in the bar

nickname = bar <--- make sure your npc in correctly room
character_density = 7 <-- depends on THN file
fixture = li0101_fix_bartender, Zs/NPC/Bartender/01/A/Stand, scripts\vendors\li_bartender_fidget.thn, bartender <-- make sure your bartender are exist (exp. li0101_fix_bartender)

and about mission. did you mean your new faction not give you mission? maybe you need to check empathy.ini and add your new faction to VignetteParams.ini

Post Sun Oct 14, 2007 11:23 am

It's Odd... Every time I open FLE it adds a Duplicate Entry to both Mbases.ini and Universe.ini: Li01_01b_Base.
It's a Pain, and I' simply get rid of them as I go along.
Also, could market files affect all of this?

Post Sun Oct 14, 2007 12:28 pm

Sound to me like you have either an old version of FLExplorer or a corrupt one from a crash. Uninstall that puppy. Here is a link to the newest version, (which will show up as .22 internally);

Post Sun Oct 14, 2007 4:01 pm

Now, I'm sure if this is related to your problem....
but recently I discovered I could not make changes to a certain file
until I made sure its properties were NOT read only.
I could have saved myself a ton of grief if I had changed its properties
at the start.

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