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bonus loot and mission ships spawning.

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Post Thu Oct 04, 2007 1:58 pm

bonus loot and mission ships spawning.

Need some help again.

1. How to remove bonus loot(including random missions)? This should be easy, I just can't remember exactly.

and more complicated thing:

2. How to change distance of target ships spawning in random missions?
They appear 2.5 km from the mission waypoint, how to make them appear, say, 10k?

I changed radar range to 10k, changed npc spawning to be 10k, Nothing works.
Any Ideas????

Thanks in advance.

Post Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:43 am

Bonus Loot:

Delete what you want from RANDOMMISSIONS\rmlootinfo.ini and from MISSIONS\lootprops.ini

Are you using the .exe hack guide? Be sure you are changing the SP or MP values, they are separate. And the hex addresses are different between version 1.0 and version 1.1

Extract follows:-
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>1775d in content.dll, 0x11AC80 = initial NPC max spawn distance in SP and MP (such as after respawn)
v1.1 = 0x11BC80
2500d in content.dll, 0x11AC68 = NPC max spawn distance in SP and MP (following initial spawn)
v1.1 = 0x11BC68
2500f in content.dll, 0xD3C3E = maximum distance that NPCs will persist in MP (I don't recall if it applies to SP)
v1.1 = 0xD3D6E
3750f in content.dll, 0x591B6 = distance over which NPC spawning will ignore density cap in SP
v1.1 = 0x58F46
7500f in content.dll, 0x116A68 = distance over which NPC spawning will ignore density cap in MP
v1.1 = 0x117A68</font></pre>
Note - d suffix = double-word, f suffix = floating point value

And the biggest gotcha - you have to reverse the bytes in hex if you are doing it manually. Better to use an editor which does it automatically, Hexplorer is great from

One tip - when you increase the spawn distance, the zone density will limit how many NPCs spawn in the entire zone, even if you can't see them - so if there are 20 NPCs 10k away from you in your zone and your density is 20, you probably won't see any near you for ever! It got me already! So keep the cap values low too, you can't see small ships at more than 3-4k distance from you anyway. Big ships look great at 6-8k.

Roleplay: - the art of self-deceipt!

Post Fri Oct 05, 2007 11:05 pm


But about this npc random missions spawning...

I have a working radar and spawning distance, it works fine.
ships appear 10k from me(I changed zones a bit), everything works fine.

The only problem is random missions ships spawning. They appear 2.5k away from me, not 10k, and I don't know how to work it out.

Any more ideas????

Post Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:52 am


Post Sun Oct 07, 2007 10:50 am

T'is built into the game methinks.

When I went through the mission ini files I seem to remember the location of NPC ships is defined there, like this example:-
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>[MsnShip
nickname = fp7base_escort1
NPC = FP7_patrol
position = 3687, 1010, -20813
orientation = 0.861598, 0.506949, -0.025111, -0.004583
label = lbl_fp7_convoy
random_name = true
radius = 0
And in vignetteparams.ini, you see that the NPCs will only spawn at the predefined preliminary-battle and main-battle locations, and those will always only spawn when you are within 2.5k...
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>
node_id = 100
nickname = Target_spawns_at_pre_battle
child_node = 283
child_node = 609

node_id = 102
documentation = Target_spawns_at_main_battle
child_node = 158
Jeez, youz geezers!! - this game just CAIN'T do some o' tha extreme stuff wot you lot want!!

Go write your own game engine fer all of uz!!

Roleplay: - the art of self-deceipt!

Post Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:29 pm

That means... there's no way to change it?..

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