Oops, I've got the files and have generated paths. About to go to Uni, so i'll upload tonight if possible.
There will likely be a few issues though...
1) Where the heck are "legal" and "illegal" defined
If it's the solararch.ini file for jumpgates and the variety of jumpholes, then I'll need to work on this more at some point to parse that and match up the jumpy thing in the systems file to that, to find out whether it's a legal or illegal. Right now, if it's not a "jumpgate" then it's designated an illegal path
2) On servers, in multiplayer, can you not plot a path from NY to say... Omicron Theta if you know the systems already? If so, it's using a different file.
WRT to plotting to the star - I came across this issue if it says there's a path, but there isn't... or something along those lines. For example, it actually ignored (i only tested in OpenSP) the fact there were jumpholes and plotted by jumpgates... so plotting from Li01 to Kyushu with the normal legal (jumpgate) path was correctly plotted.
However, swap in the systems_shortest, so that it'll jump from Shikoku (Ku03?) straight to Kyushu (Ku02) in the path,and it still sets the waypoint to the Ku01 jumpgate (from Ku03), when you enter there are no more waypoints visible although they reappear once you jump into Ku02. I assume that it didn't find the corresponding jumpgate to Ku02 it was expecting, and so then checked the Ku03 -> Ku02 legal path (instead of the saved path Li01 -> Ku02) and saw it had to go through Ku01, so referenced the jumgate? Stabbing in the dark here...
I got the "centre" star when a path was just plain bandicoot... if there is no jump reference to a system called, then it plots the star. Needs more investigation, but i've been busy doing other things (erm, playing games - sorry, got sidetracked :/) recently.
Will get back on it tonight/tomorrow.
Edited by - Chips on 10/5/2007 3:26:26 AM