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Resizing an effect...

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Mon Jul 09, 2007 7:35 am

Resizing an effect...

Hey folks...

I've had quite a headache to figure this out!

I want to use the dyson city shield effect as normal fighter shield hit effect! I can easily add the effect to a shield, but it shows up in its huge normal size!

So I was wondering if anyone got suggestions on how to make that effect fit normal shields when they get hit!?

Post Tue Jul 10, 2007 11:57 am

Well, all I can tell you is look for *whole* numbers in your hex editor. Since colors use 1.0 or under, you can expect your whole number to be anywhere from 5 to whatever, for something that big, you'll likely be looking in the 10k + range. Again, it'll be whole (55000) not (5500.075489)

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