Post Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:30 pm

Everyone Read This!

I got a idea to make a mod which completely rewrites the universe, one worry where am i gonna start?
Mathattan will be gone.
I will tell you more,

There will be 10 sectors:
Ehecoutaz = Open Space
Darkensternaz = Red
Memphoia = White
Berinza = Light Blue
Bromadei = Dark Blue
Siotaumgica = Open Space
Rescucktraz = Yellow
Mulabataic = Open Space
Crizix = Pink
Maelstrom = Green
Dreadmorey = Green

Ehecoutaz is where you start.
Any ideas for systems?
Put them like this,

System Name, Sector Name

Can anyone help me with the universe map too.
I need so i can see my nebulas.

I wanted to put a picture on this post but i am having trouble.
If i could post it might help you what the universe looks like.

I'll try the picture,

The is disappearing,
Mods i found a bug on your site.

I really need a reply,
I use FLE if that helps a bit.

This post be reply to!

Sticks and Stones will break my bones.
Thats Far Too Dangerous!
Lets use a...HUH! Nomad Energy Blaster?!
Blimey i would of liked my chainsaw

Edited by - Unib5 on 7/11/2006 11:31:43 PM

Edited by - Unib5 on 7/23/2006 5:17:15 AM

Edited by - Unib5 on 7/24/2006 3:37:31 AM

Edited by - Unib5 on 8/2/2006 6:17:35 AM