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making Extra Rooms how to ( ??? )

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Thu May 27, 2004 12:55 pm

I think you will find that:

It doesn't matter what file its in at all - you should (note should) be able to combine entries from all three files into just one of them, and rectify the issues of what is for sale where (ie, add ships, weapons and commodities for manhattan all under manhatten), and it should work.

Furthermore, i think.....note think, that you could put the weapon_equip and good together, and get a weapons lot.....even if its all in the goods.ini file....

Infact, i think you can put all of them into the goods.ini file, and it will still work - but of course, i have not tested or tried this. I only think cause you can put the engines in the misc_equip and misc_good.ini, and remove them from the engine_equip.ini and etc, and it works with engines fine. Same with other stuff, like armor too - so i am going on a limb here, and saying if the Freelancer.ini file ONLY had the goods.ini file from the equipment folder referenced in it, then you could plonk EVERYTHING in there, and it would all still work perfectly............methinks

Of course, i don't know, at all.

This is cause i am POSITIVE that its this line that dictates where stuff is sold...

category =

Where you can get:


Goes with:

Commodity dealer
Equipment dealer

Anyone following me here? Basicalyl - the files are in such a way ONLY to make it easier to build the game. They put stuff in files NAMED for it, so that they knew what was where etc. There is NOTHING to do with the files names as far as i know - although i have yet to test it......purely cause there is no point.

Post Thu May 27, 2004 1:15 pm


You're (most probabaly - also haven't checked ) right. I totally overlooked the category line.

It means that the idea I described, is not usable at all. Too bad.

I had hoped that the 3rd and 4th value, which have different (sets of) values for different marketgood categories, would be the decisive factor, and that e.g. gold would be sold at the place where ammo is sold, if these 3rd and 4th values would have been altered (from 150, 500) in to 50, 50.

Post Thu May 27, 2004 1:57 pm

Yes, I spent two hours one night trying to get a gf npc named li0130_fix_blackmarketeer to sell my commodities that I had a category=blackmrkt line for. I had put all those commods in a market_black.ini and referenced that in freelancer.ini. Obviously didn't work because the npc's behavior is defined elsewhere(exe I guess). Although FL didn't crash on start up so market_black actually got loaded, I just couldn't access it. Huge waste of time. I don't think it's possible to work with the items for sale or with the npc behavior, just the room/base switching behavior. (maybe)

Post Fri May 28, 2004 12:23 pm

I don't think it's possible to work with the items for sale or with the npc behavior, just the room/base switching behavior. (maybe)

I think you are right. Even if you would manage to have two commodity dealers at one base, they would sell the same commods at the same price (and pay the same price too for commods that the player would sell. The sets of commodities each dealer sales, is unique per base, not per room; that's the core of this problem.

(On a side note: it is possible to exclude a commodity from trade at a particular base, by giving it a price {= the last value} of 0 (null). If you would give gold a price of 0 credits at New London, the player would not be able to sell gold their, or even try to offer it. It simply won't show up in the player's "items for sale"-list, even when he carries it in his cargo.

That way, it is possible to have different subcategories of commodities, and have, for instance, have a commodity "Passengers" picked up ("bought" ) and delivered ("sold" ) at bases that exclusively deal in Passengers. Or Soldiers, or Prisoners, or whatever commod you would want to isolate from the main econmy. You would have to block the Passenger commod at all bases except the Passenger stations, and block all commods except the passengers there. So a freelancer that would engage in transporting passengers would not be able to get rid of them at just any base - although he could just spit them out in space To prevent that, you would have to make the passengers very expensive and make up an explanation that the player invests in their comfort during travel -- actually the passengers would have to pay the ship, not vice versa, so engaging in this kind of transport would also have to render a huge profit, to make up for the huge investment. But I am.. <EDIT>digressing</EDIT>, if that's the correct word.

If indeed a method would be found to have 2 commodity dealers at a base that each have a unique set of commodities for sale, then it would be possible to have an exclusive Traveling Agency AND an exclsive Commod Dealer at the same base.)

(EDIT: The forum script converts a quote followed by a closing bracket by some green smiley " )

Edited by - moonhead on 5/29/2004 2:25:42 AM

Post Fri May 28, 2004 11:06 pm

@moonhead: Thanks for the info on the commods not being sellable with a 0. I had no clue about that. Any idea what would happen if you did that with a ship then tried to buy another ship? ie Make the Starflier unsellable at Manhattan then land there in one and try to buy a Rhino.

On another note I found one (sorta) useful thing out about having two bars. If you go into one bar and don't find any NPCs giving out the mission/bribe/info you want, you can leave that bar for the other one then come back and you will get new NPCs with new offers. The job board remains the same though. You used to have to save and exit or take off then land to get that.

Also, and most people probably already knew this but I didn't, if you set an NPC as the fix_bartender and make them eligible to give missions like this:
nickname = li0130_fix_guildmaster
body = pl_female2_journeyman_body
head = pl_female1_head
lefthand = benchmark_female_hand_left
righthand = benchmark_female_hand_right
individual_name = 524312
affiliation = gd_bh_grp
voice = rvp546
misn = DestroyMission, 0.082100, 0.900380 <---end of entry no lines for bribes etc.

then they will give out missions even though their faction is hostile towards you. Also you don't have to list them in their factions' [BaseFaction} entry.

Edit = Another question that most likely only people who've been around for a long while will know: What purpose was the Palace supposed to serve? I've done a search for it but couldn't find anything in the forums. Maybe some of you who've been here or have talked to someone who's been here since beta testing know something about this. The Palace might have had a behavior that was unique and since it was left in the ini maybe they didn't take it out of the exe.
Anyone seen any unused ids entries that might be clues?

Edited by - kaegogi on 5/29/2004 12:47:57 AM

Post Sat May 29, 2004 12:00 am

On a sidenote...

every npc can give you a mission even if it is not in the Job Board or not declared in the BaseFaction Entry... Missions will only be given if the targeted enemy faction of the NPC supports that level...

even the equipment dealer, commodity dealers and ship dealears can give you missions

a message from firebase...

Post Sat May 29, 2004 1:59 am

Kaegogi wrote:

Any idea what would happen if you did that with a ship then tried to buy another ship? ie Make the Starflier unsellable at Manhattan then land there in one and try to buy a Rhino.

Actually the working of the market_ship file is largely unknown to me. I know how to replace a package with a custom package, so that I can put up modded ships for sale - the very basic stuff that is, and that's about it.

Each package line has 7 values, instead of the 6 for the commod lines in market_commodoities.ini, so I don't even know if the 6th or the 7th is a price mulitplier. I do know) from what i've read from what others posted) that market_ships.ini can behave quite unexpectedly.

Post Sun Jun 06, 2004 11:42 am

Extra Room made by kaegogi

good Idea i think it woud be funktion with commodities and ships if woud make a secound virtual station - ex. li01_01_base_xy
hot-spot lets you jump there, also coud be use the planetscape of this base speciali for the mooring - then we have two different entries
1. - docking rings for the normal ships
2.- mooring for the big and large ships

dockout the player with the big ships must be careful to use the right door--??

by this way i think its possible to make two shipdealers - two .... and so on

Post Sun Jun 13, 2004 10:24 am

Hmmm, I wonder if you could use the extra room method to set up "guilds" or faction membership stations. Like mentioned in the thread that talks about setting all factions to like you except one. Add the extra room put in a bartender or someone and have them offer a bribe to join a faction, then set -that- factions empathy to max and lower/raise all other related factions as per the infocards. If the faction isn't mentioned on the info card then just don't change it. You could only join on certain bases (i.e. Wespoint for Liberty Navy). Maybe even have the recruiter be able to offer special highpaying random missons ala privateer. Mayhaps I'll ploink around with it and see what happens

Post Tue Jun 22, 2004 6:55 pm

the extra room is very handy when you make an adventure mod like treasure hunting, detective cases, Leisure Suit Larry (or Trent), etc....

We can have a bunch of mini missions on the sideline to make the game longer or fill in the main plot, etc...

Here are some examples:
go to the sushi bar in New Tokyo and meet .....
go to the hotel lounge in Manhattan and meet...


For more insight, play the Pinball mod from Tygris

Edited by - buckaroobanzai on 6/22/2004 8:21:28 PM

Post Tue Jun 22, 2004 10:51 pm

Twas based upon ideas by Giskard in the Hostile Universe mod that one. It would suit that sort of thing a treat i agree! Good idea.

Post Sat Jun 26, 2004 12:05 pm

Sorry if htis has already been "said," (in a rush and didn't read the whole thread), but it's probably not the room, but the NPC. I betchatheres a tag (Hardpoint) in the cityscape/roomscape CMP/3DB that shows where an NPC is supposed to sit/stand, as well as one for camera angles, as often in battleships and such you can see (and use) the equipment guy when in the commodity room and the like. You probably need to make a new person from whom to buy it from, possibly adding a new string to the def list (if possible), such as:

like, if the place for the commodity dealer is (possibly hypothetically) /HP/Fixed_commoditytrader, then you may need to figure out a way to make and USE a/an /HP/Fixed_blackmarkettrrader, etc. Hope this helps.

Post Sat Jun 24, 2006 5:18 am

Hey guys, I'm hoping someone is still reading this thread that started trying to figure out how to put in a second dealer type for a planet. I'd hate to have to try and do all the groundwork myself with my extremely limited time for anything gaming related.

Anyway, to the point of my post.... I believe there may well be a way in which to force a second "dealer" to have other equipment. As Ares stated, there is indeed a .cmp file for bartenders, ship dealers and the like on each individual planet, (li_manhattan_equip.cmp, etc,) seperated by faction it seems. However, a file that seems to have been overlooked may be the root cause of the non-functional secondary "dealer" type. That file is PetalDB.ini, and I have taken the liberty of copying a few lines from it for this post:

room = li_01_cityscape, bases\liberty\li_01_manhattan_cityscape.cmp
prop = li_01_cityscape_bg, bases\liberty\li_01_manhattan_cityscape_background.3db
prop = li_01_cityscape_bg2, bases\liberty\li_01_manhattan_cityscape_skyline2.3db
prop = li_01_cityscape_buildings1, bases\liberty\li_01_manhattan_cityscape_buildings1.3db
prop = li_01_cityscape_buildings2, bases\liberty\li_01_manhattan_cityscape_buildings2.3db
prop = li_01_cityscape_buildings3, bases\liberty\li_01_manhattan_cityscape_buildings3.3db
prop = li01_bldg_A, bases\liberty\li01_bldg_A.3db
prop = li01_bldg_B, bases\liberty\li01_bldg_B.3db
prop = li01_bldg_C, bases\liberty\li01_bldg_C.3db
prop = li01_bldg_D, bases\liberty\li01_bldg_D.3db
prop = li01_bldg_E, bases\liberty\li01_bldg_E.3db
prop = li01_bldg_F, bases\liberty\li01_bldg_F.3db
prop = li01_bldg_G, bases\liberty\li01_bldg_G.3db
prop = li01_bldg_H, bases\liberty\li01_bldg_H.3db
room = li_01_bar, bases\liberty\li_forbes_bar.cmp
room = li_01_equipment, bases\liberty\li_californio_equip.cmp
room = li_01_trader, bases\liberty\li_californio_trader.cmp

As you can see, it details where things are placed in some manner. Also, the .cmp files in the ..bases/... have hardpoints and such that are associated with each merchant type.

I hope you guys are still reading this and that this helps in the quest to have extra rooms and dealers in them. Maybe in the near future I can devote some of my precious time to trying to make this work. (I'm sure I can figure it out given enough time. Unfortunately, that's what I'm lacking right now.)

Take care all, hope this does some good.

Post Mon Aug 14, 2006 4:15 pm

whats wrong here I have tried Kaegogi's extra room mod and now have tried this scripter to add an extra room and always get this error when I try to activate the mod

Error: FLMM has determined that 'mymod' won't properly activate.
Error: Unable to find dest '[ButtonControl5'(...) (#1) in 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\DATA\INTERFACE\BASESIDE\navbar.ini'


Post Tue Oct 09, 2007 8:01 pm

Where do I cange the mouseover name?
I searched the ids but no go, I probably missed it.
I don't want to change it I want to assign it a new name

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