Mon Oct 06, 2003 6:30 pm by Chips
sort = 8
toughness = 2
density = 10
repop_time = 10
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = jumpgate
relief_time = 15
faction_weight = li_n_grp, 3
faction_weight = co_be_grp, 10
faction_weight = co_nws_grp, 10
faction_weight = co_ss_grp, 5
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = area_defend, 2, 0.080000
faction = li_n_grp, 1.000000
encounter = area_trade_freighter, 2, 0.080000
faction = co_ss_grp, 1.000000
encounter = area_trade_transport, 2, 0.190000
faction = co_be_grp, 0.400000
faction = co_nws_grp, 0.400000
okay - for increasing the appearance of the NPC's - just take a look in the zone of which you are modding (think this is from LI02 - just plucked it out for an example. Now - the important bits:
toughness = 2 ;total rank of all ships added up (so Giskard tells me anyways)
density = 10 ;Amount of ships in area
repop_time = 10 ;time between one spawn out and in etc
max_battle_size = 4 ;how many will battle away
pop_type = jumpgate ;type of population - lots of variations
relief_time = 15 ; apparently time between hostiles spawned or something
regardless though - hike up the denisty of the zone, and teh maxe battlesize and toughness , this will get you a hopping zone
toughness = 90
density = 30
max_battle_size = 24
Okay - you should have what can only be called large encounters in this zone now - but you also get large lag if you do this too much!! LOL
ag - forgotten what else - oh, NPC shooting. Its in the pilots_population.ini file again - check out all areas saying this:
This is just an example - there are TONS of these to be changed;
nickname = gun_solar_med_style_a ;type of pilot -
gun_fire_interval_time = 0.100000 ; length time shootin?
gun_fire_interval_variance_percent = 0.500000 ;between shots (varying time)
gun_fire_burst_interval_time = 2 ;time shooting you (bursts)
gun_fire_burst_interval_variance_percent = 0.500000 ;varying round that
gun_fire_no_burst_interval_time = 1.500000 ;hold off shooting
gun_fire_accuracy_cone_angle = 4 ;firing 'cone' accuracy =1 is a hotshot!!!
gun_fire_accuracy_power = 1.100000 ;hmm?
gun_range_threshold = 1.100000 ;huh? - further away less likely to hit?
gun_target_point_switch_time = 0.300000
fire_style = multiple
auto_turret_interval_time = 0.200000 ;stuff to do with turret shootin ya
auto_turret_burst_interval_time = 1 ; ditto for hte next few
auto_turret_no_burst_interval_time = 2
auto_turret_burst_interval_variance_percent = 0.500000
gun_range_threshold_variance_percent = 0.300000
gun_fire_accuracy_power_npc = 6 ;not sure here
Personally i don't change it too radically - in fact i change the cone angle down by one for each one, and also alittle bit of timing on stuff - ie burst inteval time and accuracy cone - i usually just give them the hardness above - ie for medium i give them the setting of hard pilots, for easy - the setting for medium, for hard, the setting of Ace, for Ace i average the differences and make the setting up from the old ace settings. That is about it, i am not amazing in this area, but then again - i cannot be arsed to sit fiddling values to work out what each one does. Here i get the effects i desire, and leave it at that. IF you pump up the pilots too much, then people won't play much due to the fact they get a kicking instead of a game. Keep it moderate in changes, up the level of pilot difficulty fine, but for the rest - no chance!
Now -for the nanobots - you did put this in the loadouts.ini in the ships folder (the nano bots/bats) yes?
Like so:
cargo = ge_s_battery_01, 3
cargo = ge_s_repair_01, 3
and give it too all loadouts needing it, like this: This is for liberty police pilots - here is the entry in the loadouts.ini file;
nickname = li_p_li_fighter_loadout01
archetype = li_fighter
equip = ge_lf_engine_01
equip = npc_shield01_mark02, HpShield01
equip = li_fighter_power01
equip = ge_s_scanner_02
equip = ge_s_tractor_01
equip = ge_s_thruster_01, HpThruster01
equip = li_gun01_mark02, HpWeapon01
equip = li_gun01_mark03, HpWeapon02
equip = li_gun01_mark03, HpWeapon03
equip = co_gun02_mark02, HpWeapon04
equip = ge_s_cm_01, HpCM01
cargo = ge_s_cm_01_ammo, 20
equip = LargeWhiteSpecial, HpHeadlight
equip = SlowSmallBlue, HpRunningLight01
equip = SlowSmallBlue, HpRunningLight02
equip = SlowSmallBlue, HpRunningLight03
equip = SlowSmallBlue, HpRunningLight04
equip = contrail01, HpContrail01
equip = contrail01, HpContrail02
equip = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight01
equip = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight02
cargo = ge_s_battery_01, 3 ;HERE
cargo = ge_s_repair_01, 3 ;HERE
Now - you also DID get the repair block correct, and change some values yeah?
nickname = repair_fighter_both
use_shield_repair_pre_delay = 0.200000 ;wait before repair
use_shield_repair_post_delay = 5 ; won't repair after 1 repair for this time
use_shield_repair_at_damage_percent = 0.800 ; repair when damaged this much
use_hull_repair_pre_delay = 0.200000 ;same as above
use_hull_repair_post_delay = 1.500000 ; ditto
use_hull_repair_at_damage_percent = 0.800000 ;ditto
You then changed all the pilots parts at the bottom (ALL OF THEM!)
nickname = pilot_pirate_easy
gun_id = gun_pirate_easy_style_a
missile_id = missile_fighter_easy_style_a
evade_dodge_id = evade_dodge_fighter_corkscrew_easy
evade_break_id = evade_break_fighter_style_e
buzz_head_toward_id = buzz_head_toward_fighter_corkscrew
buzz_pass_by_id = buzz_pass_by_fighter_style_c
trail_id = trail_fighter_style_a
strafe_id = strafe_fighter_style_a
engine_kill_id = engine_kill_fighter_style_a
mine_id = mine_light_fighter_a
countermeasure_id = countermeasure_handicap_3
damage_reaction_id = damage_reaction_fighter_style_a
missile_reaction_id = missile_reaction_fighter_style_a
formation_id = formation_never
repair_id = repair_fighter_both ;HERE
job_id = basic_job_no_formation
nickname = pilot_police_easy
gun_id = gun_fighter_easy_style_a
missile_id = missile_fighter_easy_style_a
evade_dodge_id = evade_dodge_fighter_horiz2_easy
evade_break_id = evade_break_fighter_style_a
buzz_head_toward_id = buzz_head_toward_fighter_horiz2
buzz_pass_by_id = buzz_pass_by_fighter_style_a
trail_id = trail_fighter_style_a
strafe_id = strafe_fighter_style_a
engine_kill_id = engine_kill_fighter_style_a
mine_id = mine_light_fighter_a
countermeasure_id = countermeasure_handicap_3
damage_reaction_id = damage_reaction_fighter_style_a
missile_reaction_id = missile_reaction_fighter_style_a
formation_id = formation_stay
repair_id = repair_fighter_both ;HERE
job_id = basic_job_formation
Basically as with all trouble shooting, you can see them carrying the nanobots and bats around - so loadouts are correct - basically its the other parts that aen't done, these ones above MUST be incorrect. Match them to these entries here, then shoot some police - give em a battering though - don't slack off - let em have it till their hulls are truly shot at, then watch closely. Sometimes you just might not notice it, but i think your probs didn't either a) get the settings rght for repair , or b) gave them the wrong repair id.
The other stuff shortly!