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B-907A "Crusader" Bretonia Heavy Fighter is a

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Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 12:37 am

B-907A "Crusader" Bretonia Heavy Fighter is a

Turd. I think it should be renamed the "HMS Can't Turn"

I am in Bretonia were can I find something better?


Edited by - Fox2 on 14-03-2003 00:41:06

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 1:44 am

God Dam what a crap ship that was! Try the Hammerhead, it turns on a penny! And looks auwsum.

Edited by - Gary Bolton on 14-03-2003 02:05:51

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 2:50 am

Crusader was the best ship at this time.
You need to learn how to play heavy fighter before you try to beat 17 dragons.
I got the Crusader near the 4th mission and sold when I got to *semi-spoiler* Anubis.

I saved mankind and all I got was this stupid medal?!

Bazil, M. P.
Webmaster and founder of Roughnecks -Freelancer Division
"If you would care to follow me... " -- DEATH of the Discworld

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 2:57 am

I sold it for a barracuda, I still like how it looks though, kinda like a fish.

BTW, where can I find the Anubis?

There are only 10 kinds of people in the world:
those who understand binary, and those who don't.

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 3:43 am


Play the single player campaign and you will find out where to get the Anubis! =)

Killer of Khaja the Fang
Privateer Extrodanaire

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 5:51 am

You could alternatly get the Corsiar Ligionaire, it is buyable at the hidden junker base in New London. Check for partrol routes.

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 6:22 am

Ebola, cool. I have a hard time kill those ships they are all over the place..

As for the Cru-Turder I think It looks like an upside down VW Bettle..

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 9:15 am

i bought a Humpback thinking that it would be much better than my Dromeda because it had more armor and more power. Boy was i wrong. The Humpback is the worst manueverable ship I ever used. You can't turn fast enough to target the enemies and if you go into turret mode you're a sitting duck because you will be destroyed quickly. (I was getting attacked by Hessians near New Berlin)

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 10:44 am

The Crusader's a good ship. I traded up to the Barracuda too, which is also a good ship. The Anubis was kind of a necessity to buy for the campaign, but I would've preferred to keep the Barracuda since it was more maneuverable...oh well, it's MP time now =)

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 10:04 pm

I won the race competition with the crusader in the first attempt at the SP, it cant be that bad.

PS: Since I am not english native please pardon my errors.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 10:10 pm

hmmm lol... i have the crusader, and as far as i'm concerned, it kicks some major @$$ at this point... the best ship i can buy, with 6 guns isnt that bad. and for turning, its better than the defender, which is the only other ship you might possibly want to have at this point, because would u really want to downgrade to 4 guns? or use a freighter for dogfighting?

and in aesthetic value i think it beats most of the other ships in the game, with the exception (maybe) of the dragon, sabre, and juni's defender (with the weird fin on top) and if u use turret view and look from a slight down angle it looks like a fish, and then from the bottom or sides almost like some weird bug... and the cm dropper slot is cool spot too, i see it whenever i go the rear view...

Did somebody say my name?
-Gamma Wing
It's the dreaded G-Man[![![![!

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 11:50 pm

I have been using the Crusader for a while now, I used it to smash Hovis to the weeds in his race 1st attempt, I use it to eat Rhinelanders for breakfast, and am currently using it to build up my credits to trade up to a Dragon or Barracuda. Between mission 4 and 8 the Crusader is about the best little fighter to have, with 6 decent gun mounts.


Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 3:37 am

I only used the "Flying Fish" until I could get a Dragon (which wasn't long). Can't say I cared for it much, but I gotta admit that lookimg at the design, those Kusari sure have a good sense of humor!

Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 4:34 am

I found the best ship for the "Bretonia campaign" was a Dagger. The armor is not as good as the Cavalier (Brit light fighter), but the turret gives it a fifth gun which puts it just above the Cavalier in terms of value IMHO; plus you get the agility benefit of a light fighter. The only reason to really go for the Crusader is the six guns and the heavy amor, but if you're a good pilot you don't need armor, and the afore mentioned turret of the Dagger makes up for the lack of power on your typical light fighter.

I picked one up from Buffalo base after the mission where you leave Liberty. Since the Liberty cops are hard coded to hate you after that point anyway, I didn't feel bad killing them to get my rep up with the Rouges (cause I had played military missions up to that point).

Edited by - stevedroid on 18-03-2003 04:37:26

Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 5:11 am

I am loving the Crusader but I agree, it is harsh in turn radius. I got enemies buzzing by me and wheeling and turning like a swarm of gnats compared to me.

However I have good armor and shields and lots of guns and I usually can take the whipping.

Currently I am dogging Sheffield base and ruining Bounty Hunter recruitment efforts for the next solar year. I need faction with the outlaw types cause I too did a ton of military hunt/kill missions early on and I can't trade for a damn now cause of it.

I think I have about 30-40 Piranha's to go and most will be nuetral to me.

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