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Certain issues with finishing SP

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Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 7:29 am

Certain issues with finishing SP

Okay, I played through the game and I don't care what anyone says, I had a great time. In my time playing I became somewhat attached to certain groups in the game, such as the very honourable Blood Dragons. I also found some of the systems you travel to later in the game very interesting (The Nomad homeworld, the Order homeworld).

When I completed the game with my Anubis (I love that ship), I checked my Nav Map for all the places I haad been to. I was very disappointed to see that Omicron Minor wasn't there. Not only that, but Kyoto Base was no longer marked in the Chugoku System. I haven't actually tried to reach these places yet, but if I can't go to them because they're only available in the SP campaign, i will be very disappointed.

Another the Anubis only available through the plot? Because I've sold mine and bought a Dromedary, but wouldn't mind getting the Anubis back some time cause its a cool ship. Hopefully there is some Order base where I can get it...I know that the Osiris is watching that hypergate thingy on the Nomad Homeworld...but if I can't get there, then it looks like no more Anubis for me

Fat Baz

Black holes are where God divided by zero.

I have mastered the skill of perfection.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 7:33 am

are you saying MP?

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 7:53 pm

if you are talking about the SP mode, then I have heard that you can buy the anubis, I just can't remember where off the top of my head......

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 6:29 am mistake...........Kyoto Base is still there, just wasn't marked if I didn't zoom in on the starmap.

As for the rest of the stuff..........can you still go to the Nomad homeworld? Anyone know where to get the Anubis? Is the Anubis available in MP?

Black holes are where God divided by zero.

I have mastered the skill of perfection.

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