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Titan Ship (Help needed!)

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Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 4:49 pm

Titan Ship (Help needed!)

I now have a "Level 30" rating, and enough cash to purchase the "Titan Ship". But after reading this ship can only be purchased from these two locations below. I have found I do not have either of these two listen in my Nav Map. I have Omega-7 and Omega-3 listed only. And no Omicon systems at all. Could somebody pleaae help me out here by pointing me in the right direction!

Leon Base

Omicon gamma
Planet Crete

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 5:51 pm

First off you have to be in good with the corsairs and that bribe cost me 135,000 credits so make sure you're in good or you'll be destroyed as soon as your in their airspace. Next, after you've patched up you're reputation with the corsairs, their missions in planet crete are on average level 39 and around a reward of 140,000 credits a piece. You have to travel through the sigma systems on the border worlds and find the jump gates to get to gamma. i'm at work but will post you coordinates later. But trust me the titan is worth all the trouble.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 6:12 pm

Thanks for that! I look forward to your coordinates later!

So you are saying without a Rating of 39. I cannot purchase this ship. Because I though it only needed a rating of 30 to be able to purchase all the ships in the game. I understand that you mean the Mission being offered to open up the System that I need to go to needs a rating of 39. Before it will be offered to me. But I have also read that it can be bought from another place that I pointed out about. Does that also include a mission, that must be done, and needs a higher rating of 30. Because again I cannot see that System also on my Nav Map.

Do any special missions have to be done also for the "Sabre" ship, and a higher rating of 30 needed for it. I want the Titan really! But I would'nt also mind trying out the Sabre, after reading that most people concider this to be a better ship overall.

But again I do not see the system mentioned for that ship being listed in my Nav Map. Still post information about how to get the Titan, But anybody also reading this can also post information about the Sabre also. Like the Ratings needed, and why! And how to get to the system were it can be bought! An does it include a mission just like the Titan. Before the Sytem will be displayed on my Nav Map!

I have already been to the Sigma-3 system, and got all the Level 10 Guns from the Imperial Navy Scrapyard. I have them stored ready for use!

PS: Once you have completed all the Missions like I have here. Is it still posible to get the Guns from the Aliens near the Blackhole. Or should this have been done before completing the Missions!

Edited by - Gary Bolton on 12-03-2003 18:30:03

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 6:27 pm

Go to Honshu in the kusari system
Take the trade lanes right until you get to the Sigma 19 jump gate
Go to sigma 19
Take the tradelane to the base
Dock (for safety)
Head north above the base until you see a planet with a spa and cruise ship
Go north of that planet and see the sigma 17 jump gate
Jump to sigma 17
Go south east in sigma 17 until you hit the omicron theta jump hole
When in theta, you can jump straight to omicron gamma but id find the omega 41 hole first
Go to omega 41 and dock at freeport 5
Try to bribe someone for the corsairs (Cost me 125K)
Keep leaving and re-docking at the freeport until you find someone with a bribe you want
Go from omega 41 to Omicron Gamma through a jump hole in omega 41
Head south, there are 2 corsair bases, tripoli shipyard and planet crete
Dock with planet crete and buy your titan

Titan costs you $776,380
Two front firing level 9 mounts on the wings, 2 level 10 mounts on the body and 2 more level 10 mounts on the head.

This is personally my favorite ship, as ive used the eagle and saber too.

I use Level 9 Tizona Del Sid's on my wings (they do like 1K shield damage)
Then I use Nomad Blasters and Cannons on my body / head

If you can get nomad weapons, then go for it, NO evergy drain at all, good fire rate, and unbelievable damage

Also you can loot shipwrecks for some good weapons
Ive found 3 sets of level 10 weapons from shipwrecks

2 good ones are the one in omicron gamma by the omicron theta jump hole, southwest part of map
and the one in omicron alpha, near the wreckage of the hispania (the missing sleeper ship)

***Also, he didnt mean you needed a certain level, hes saying the difficulty level of the missions in there are around level 39 for if you want to run missions for the corsairs once you have your titan ***

Edited by - SuMMoNeR on 12-03-2003 18:29:15

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 6:30 pm

Nope, the missions levels at the base have a average rating of 39, not the level u have to be 2 fly them. I'm at level 38 and that seems to be the the highest level i can attain (damn).You do have to be at level 32 i believe to buy the titan


Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 9:48 pm

The Sabre may be easier to get as in addition to a remote system (omicron alpha), you can simply buy it at the Red Hessian's base in Vogtland Base, Dresden, which you have surely visited already (the system, maybe not their somewhat hidden base).

Also note that you do not actually need to be friendly ("green" with the specific faction to buy the ship. Being neutral (white) is fine. If you can land on their base, you can buy the ship. That is, if you have enough money, and are at least level 32 (for the Titan, the other ships have lower level requirements).

You can buy all the shields, ammunition and nanobots too by just being neutral.
You do need to be friendly to buy some of the toughest guns.
Or you can just get them off for free from the various shipwrecks.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 11:24 pm

Thanks for your help people. I have now found the Planet Crete. Just need to go up two levels to 32, and have enough cash of 110 credits to bribe them. So I can buy it. I also found a dead ship in the Gamma system that gave me some level 10 weapons also. Iron, Thor guns I think. Because I also had some others also from the ships in the Sigma-13 system

Edited by - Gary Bolton on 13-03-2003 00:07:51

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 3:00 am

I got a L43 mission - to kill the leader of Red Hessian. After shooting down 2 waves of 6 sabre I finally get killed in the 3rd waves of 8-10 sabre, and the damn leader is not even out yet (ie more waves to come)! LOL!

Think I need some friends to help me with such mission (they paid 200 over thousands though).

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 2:01 pm

seems like u need a better ship? *gg*

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