This is bout the trainer stuff in the first part of the thread, it is possible to get through the whole game with the trainer, so far I have beat the game twice, once with the trainer, once without. When I did use the trainer though it was extremely hard to level up without missions, but what u do is you buy a freighter, then buy the most expensive commodity, buy the most expensive weapons, etc, then once you level up you just sell it back if you want and buy whatever ship you would like. The only thing I have to say is that I have found it is nearly impossible to use the trainer right from the start, I had a bitch of a time trying to level up, lol.
Don't mind many people here...
Apparently, they don't realize that reading spoilers is exactly equivalent to getting tips and help from walkthroughs (but even moreso precise) which is thus - CHEATING.
As for a question of why cheat? Personally, I'll cheat if a game gets me into a temper or if I have to 'go back' unless I do pull a cheat. However, I do minor stuff like find out good traderoutes and such. Trainers are bad deals on all levels because you no longer find any challenge in the game at all. Spoilers also kill the game because it helps u beat the game with minor hitches, but those who finish in a few hours deserve it...
Later man.
And remember, don't spoil the fun TOO much - get thru what u need to and then cheat NO MORE cuz' that really will kill the fun of FL.