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Unknown System and Takagi`s Base

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Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 10:35 am

Unknown System and Takagi`s Base

Can anyone tell me what do you do in the unknown system (nomad system)
and how to get in Takagis base (jump holes are locked to this system)
Status of the game: long after singleplayer senario is over, level 35, titan ,weapons and shield 10,10

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 11:36 am

Unknown system: depends which one you're in, one of them has a couple planets that are interesting to visit, the other one is just there to look pretty, both of them have a group of 4 nomads come visit you every now and then.

I dunno about tekagi's base...are you talking about the tohoku system? I personally haven't tried going back there since I played the SP missions, not much worth doing there.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 11:53 am

yes I mean the one through omicron alpha system that has nothing.
where is the other one?
because tohocu is locked I have a suspicion that somethiong interesting might be there (a 10 class turret perhaps)
anyway have you found anything else interesting?
very good game but i was dissapointed when i saw it was only 1 cd
too short scenario

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 1:38 pm

Yeah, it's annoying that Tohoku is locked, especially since there's another base besides Tekagi's in there - Ryuku. I mean, they lead you there for like 5 seconds during the SP mission, tell you not to dock, and then you can never get back there again?! What kind of a **** programs that in??

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 2:03 pm

There's nothing else in that system besides those 2 stations. You can't dock with the asteroid base because of a shield you can't penetrate. You can dock with the other one but it doesn't sell anything.

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