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Titan vs Sabre power drain

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Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 11:01 pm

Titan vs Sabre power drain

I've been watching, with interest, the debate concerning the Titan vs the Sabre as the best fighter. I started playing with each and noticed the Titan appears to have a better reactor. With the same weapons load, two level 9, 4 level 10 and one level 9 turret, in each, I get approximately 8.5 seconds of sustained fire from the Titan before the power bar is drained and only get approximately 5 seconds of sustained fire from the Spectre.

I just thought I'd add some fuel to the fire.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 11:29 pm

That's a pretty moot point as most people who get to that point in the game usually have a loadout of Nomad weapons...

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 2:54 am

i don't use ANY nomad weapons, i have better damage potential from my other level 10 weapons. Since I don't continuously fire, I always have plenty of power to nail targets with.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 2:59 am

more damage you say? more damage? do the math multiply your best weapon damage times the refire and compare that to one of the two nomad cannons and see which one is higher, pfft (more damage). my ass. nomad weapons are the best in the game, period.

Edited by - pb8185 on 11-03-2003 03:00:22

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:10 am

I don't see what all the debate about nomad weapons being better than lv. 10 weapons.....I look at it like this, everybody don't have the same techniques, skills, abilities or whatever with what weapon is best for one may not be better for someone else....I find it easier to aim with slightly slower weapons, but that's just me.....personally, I do like the nomad weapons as I don't think they have the same limitations verse shields that regular weapons do and they take no energy......but lv 10 weapons do more damage per shot than nomads......and for those who say multiply the R.O.F. by the damage don't mean much unless you can hit your target every single time with your hit from a diamond back does 1173 hull and 586 shield damage with 2.00 rate of fire.....the nomad cannon does 847 hull and 423 shield damage with 3.03 rate of for the nomad to get more damage than the diamond back, you have to hit your target multiple my opinion the less shots it takes to bring down an enemy the moto is take'em down quick because the longer you take chasing and bringing down one enemy gives his buddies that much more time to take you down (in SP anyway, especially missions 8 and up) 10 weapons do feel like they take out an enemy quicker to me......but I always have a mix of both.......

now here's my point of view of both......if I take 10 shots with diamondbacks and hit 3 times I do 3519 hull and 1758 shield damage......if I do the same with nomad cannons I do 2541 hull and 1269 shield far as I am concerned yes you can fire nomads slightly faster but you still have to hit your target 1 and a half times more to equal the damage that diamondbacks if there are stronger nomad or lv 10 weapons, please let me know as I haven't scavanged all the lost ships yet.....i only got the diamondbacks and the thors hammer weapons because you pass the floating ships in one of the SP missions........

Oh yeah, the diamond backs do 293 energy drain,,,,,but if you hit your target that shouldn't matter much......

Edited by - Davynelord on 11-03-2003 07:14:43

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 8:19 am

Also doesn't the Sabre turret fire forwards but the Titan not....

so you've got another weapon drawing energy with the Sabre that isn't in the Titan.

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