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In need of Level 5 advice.

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Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 8:01 am

In need of Level 5 advice.

Hi. New here. Does anyone know where to go at level 5, SP campaign? I previously got up to level 9 and hard to start over because I was getting my rearend whopped by Outcast in the Leeds system. But when I DID manage to beat them, I had to spend 3/4's of the credits I got for the missions rebuying nanobots and batteries. They seem to diminish by 3s and 4s with every use, and with only room for 14 of each, it's getting a bit taxing. So in all, I ended up only making 1-1.5k credits per mission.

So now back to my level 5'er. I just got through with that heavy battle at Willard Research Station. 13k Creds in the bank.

My Lvl 5 setup:

Defender (Heavy Fighter)
Guarding H.F. Shields
Javelin Missle
2 Drails
Lavablade Gun I
Lavablade Turret II
Drone Mine

btw, last time I wasn't so well equipped (had a Startracker) even at level 9, but, I can already sense the the battery draining battles taking form. I've only been in the New York and California solar systems. Are there any others at my level I should know about? Trading and what-have-you?

Just for fun, I attacked and destroyed a DSE transport (seeing that it had 49999 scrap metal on it and thinking that would be a pretty penny right there) right next to the Magellan Jump Gate and the gate started attacking me. Is that normally supposed to happen and was I supposed to get more than the only 9 pieces of scrap metal I got after destroying the transport?

Alot o question hey? Thanks

Edited by - LrdMince on 10-03-2003 08:03:37

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 8:40 am

Even if that transport dropped 20,000 units of scrap you won't be able to carry it (seeing as your cargo capacity is like 40)

And yes, they don't drop the exact number of cargos cuz most of those are destroyed in the explosion (at least that's what I therorize)...

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 8:56 am

Oh yea. Wasn't even thinking about that

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