Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 8:05 pm

Having read all this there are some really good points.

But nothing can change the fact that Freelancer was advertised as an RPG many moons ago, on this it has failed to deliver. Its just to limited.

We need more of everything. More factions, more ships, more weapons, more equipment. In an RPG you have skills and abilities which improve over time, in Freelancer you have ships which improve as new ones become available. You cant upgrade your ship aside from adding different guns, different shields and a thruster change. There should be a system wherby you can modify your ship and not have to upgrade to a new one. (Millenium Falcon anyone?) Perhaps by sacrificing cargo space for upgraded engines etc...

For example, I prefer light fighters to Heavies, but the game forces me to buy a VHF to use all the best equipment. I know the argument "Just dont go where you need a heavy then" but that is limiting the game for me. I dont WANT to buy a Sabre/Titan/Eagle but I DO want to explore the whole game.

Another thing I find hilarous, I have an 8th level charactor who has never shot at anything except Bounty Hunters.. Ok 8th level.....HE HAS 170 KILLS. I mean, surely by now the Hunters guild would be getting the hint and sending better stuff after him instead of 8-16 Pirahnas every time I go near a planet. Dynamic factions? Please.

Games released in the past have done much better jobs of handling RPG elements than FL does, I wont go into a list cause we all know what they are. But for the time which has gone into this game, Im afraid I am dissapointed by the blatent "No Brainer" annoyances that are present throughout. This game is little more than a "Shoot-em-up" with everything else thrown in, if it had been advertised that way then no problem, I'd be happy, but it wasnt.