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Alien Laser? Cheaters?

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Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 8:51 pm

Its not a nomad weapon , its a Tizona Del Cid lvl 9 , its a pulse based weapon that does 1220 ~ dmg to shield and has a rate of fire 4 , it's speed/distance is 600/600 . It has no projectile whatsoever , more like a modern guns : ) .
You can get it at the Corsair base in Omicron Gamma.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:49 am

i had my own tizona del sid b4 i know its invisible and i know about its shield damage power, but it alone could NOT destroy my hull in 1 shot! and this happened much more times than once, cuz i tried many time to get close enough to scan him but he always killed me long b4 i got close enough

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:56 am

people my god man, work it out, sabre 7 forward firing shots, if all of them were the laser then yes thats the sheilds gone in 1 shot, care to explain how the hull is destroyed in the 2nd?

it cant be done, there is no combo in the game that will destroy a sabre in 2 shots its that simple

- loth

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 1:32 am

No, if you look carefully, there ARE nomad LASERS. I was in a firefight with some nomads when I saw it (I try to scan all ships I fight with), but I did glimpse that it does over 1,000 damage per shot. Perhaps most importantly, when I was fired on, I saw no projectile at all. I think your mysterious friend figured out where to get these weapons; I've not had any luck so far, but I've only been searching in Omicron Alpha at the Unknown Jump Hole.

Alright, I did some digging around in the data files after playing for a while, and here's what I found:
There are a bunch of different Nomad Fighter loadouts, but I think the ones used near the Unknown Jump Holes are set up like this: (Note - I've only left the interesting parts of the loadout in place.)
equip = infinite_power !!! That explains why the @(#*$ guys never stop shooting...
equip = ge_s_scanner_02 Did more digging - this has TWICE the range of the scanner that comes in your ship. Ouch. I'm assuming that this isn't upgradable, given that there's not place in-game to do so. Oh well.

Next, three of the following weapons:
equip = nomad_gun01_mark01, HpWeapon01
equip = nomad_gun01_mark02, HpWeapon01
equip = nomad_gun01_mark03, HpWeapon01

Now, if I'm reading things right, here's how the weapons actually measure up:
hull_damage = 232.300003
refire_delay = 0.330000
muzzle_velocity = 750

hull_damage = 1630
refire_delay = 1
muzzle_velocity = 750

hull_damage = 1956
refire_delay = 0.330000
muzzle_velocity = 750

Now, please note: all of these weapons have the following flag set:
lootable = false

Therefore, I don't think you'll ever be able to legally get them off a ship you destroy. I could easily be missing something, however - there is a lot of data in here.

Now, if you scan one of the nomads, you'll notice that sometimes they're carrying other weapons other than the Nomad Laser. I believe that's what these lines are in the ship loadout:

cargo = special_nomad_gun01, 1
cargo = special_nomad_gun02, 1

hull_damage = 635.700012
refire_delay = 0.250000
muzzle_velocity = 600.299988

hull_damage = 847.599976
refire_delay = 0.330000
muzzle_velocity = 600.299988

Now, for the recap: There are Nomad Lasers. How you would legally obtain one in-game, I'm not sure, but I'll admit that there is a possibility that you can. I don't have conclusive proof one way or the other, however.

Edited by - Arithon on 10-03-2003 03:42:20

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 3:32 am

yes ive scaned the nomads as well and seen the nomad laser, but it doesnt have a weapon class. i read a post on a forum of another site that said if you found the nomad laser it can be equiped in ANY weapon slot. if you really can get the laser than killing anyone in 1 or 2 shots would be easy. but how many of you have actually found the nomad laser? ill bet no one that reads this...

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:12 am

Hrm. Well, I just got through hacking my server so that I could buy all the nomad weapons at Manhattan. As far as I can tell, the only Nomad weapons you should ever be able to get normally are the Nomad Energy Blaster and the Nomad Energy Cannon. Some of them obviously are for the single-player missions (The huge turrets in the Dyson Sphere). Others are obviously not intended to be used by players - the Nomad Laser, for example, has no gun model. Makes for great looking Nomad ships, though.

Anyway. In short? Unless the server has been modded, you should never have any Nomad weapons other than the Energy Blaster or the Energy Cannon.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:41 am

IF you fly a lvl10 sabre with lvl10 shield, it is impossible to destroy you in 2 shots. He just hacked his ship thats all

not hard to explain


Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 7:24 am

thats what we've been saying but some peeps find it hard to take onboard

- loth

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