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Where''s the Black Hole!!!

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Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 5:25 am

You see, my question is what looney seems to think that time is a force. I forgot who brought it up, but time, dispite what you've heard, is not made up of units. It can be divided, but you cannot interact with it. (This is to modern scientific knowledge) Now, photons are a substance that can be moved, set off and even altered. Time is no such substance. Time is relative and therefore cannot be a substance.

Because Time is relative, it's not a substance and I'll explain why. Any other known substance is NOT relative. There is no difference between a gram of water here and in Uzbekistan. And iron does not fly when it's having fun.

Remember, it takes 40 muscles to smile, but only 12 to fire a missle.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 6:29 am

Thank you Flint! I was going to have to lay down the Physics-law myself!!

But I think I will attempt to alleviate another commonly-held misconception; and that is the notion of Black Holes having a surface of sorts. The only 'surface' that a Black Hole could be thought to have is its event horizon, which is simply a boundary. Inside the event horizon, light cannot escape from the singularity's gravitational pull, while outside, light would still be able to escape were it emitted that close. Of course why it's called 'event horizon' is because we cannot observe any events that take place within this border. Hawking's research delves deeply into this idea (A Brief History of Time, pick it up, a mind-boggling read) where he goes into the idea of a single neutron decaying near the event horizon into a positron and its anti-particle, but one of them is trapped within the event horizon and the other is allowed to wander about without its 'partner'. I forget the implications. Something about the spontaneous annihilation of alot of matter. I think I'll go read it again.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 7:59 am

I thought "A brief history of time" is for those of us with low IQs and mild interest in physics who wish to brag about such subjects on internet forums such as this?

I followed flint's suggestion (old texts) and picked up a copy of "Romeo & Juliet" by Shakespeare... I couldn't find any astrological related topics in it aside from the phrase "Starcrossed lovers"

And why the fudge are we debating about black holes? Leave that to the professional physicists. Now go post something that is related to FL instead of things that we will never see, touch, smell, feel, or hear. (at least not in our life times)

p.s. yes this is only a rant. and yes it is also just a cry for attention.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 1:19 pm


you are wrong a neutron star is not a black hole

a neutron star is made out of neutron anti-matter and just by comparison:
one table-spoon of that stuff equals a qeight of 15 billion(!) tons
it's grav-pull does equal that of a black hole

Lord Darth Locutus-

--Embodiment of the Sith--

If all you have to fear is fear itself, then be very afraid of me

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