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Problems at Level 10, SP campaign

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Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 2:40 am

Problems at Level 10, SP campaign


I just got to level 10, but I'm thinking I must be grossly underequipped, since every random pirate/whatever firefight I get into is a fight for my life, whether I try to run or not. I've gone through a fortune in SBs, Nanos and countermeasures. This time I want to really get into shape before going back into the story missions, which are always such a joy in terms of equipment and money loss.

I'm still in a cavalier (Bretonian LF) with 2 dragoon type 2s off the Leeds derelict (and a turret in the cargo hold) and 2 ripper long range lasers. I'm thinking I need a new ship with much better weapons, considering that I invariably face higher level ships with higher level guns. But I'm facing this problem even when I try to make money! Should I go back to Bretonian missions against Mollys and go up by 3000 dollar increments, then get a ship, or what? I'm checking out Kusari space atm, but I blew my nest egg in countermeasures just getting here, so now I'm broke even if I found a good ship.

Advice is welcome, spoilers not a big problem.


Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 5:54 am

I would recommend you take a time out from the missions and make some money hauling cargo then.

Go back to Bretonia and buy yourself a Clydesdale freighter. Then buy up on luxury foods in New London and sell them in New Manhatten. Then go to Fort Bush to by optronics and sell those back on New London. If you make the round trip twice you should have about $500,000. It will take about an hour but if you can be patient you should be set up for the rest of the game.

Since your run is in Liberty/Bretonia you should be facing only weaker enemies. When you have enough money go back to Kusari space and buy yourself a Dragon fighter from one of the battleships. That was ample to get me right up to the final missions where I changed it for an Anubis, which you'll come across in the course of the story. I was able to complete the game with the Anubis, although there are better ships if you decide you want to upgrade.

Edited by - DVC on 07-03-2003 05:55:37

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 6:10 am

I thought, as the most wanted man in Liberty I was unable to dock with Liberty stations. I actually had more success than I expected in Kusari space, and I'm currently doing 7-10k missions without too much trouble against the Dragons in my Cavalier. I haven't decided if I'll switch to hauling yet - it seems like I'll never have enough cash to fill my holds and I blow a ton of money every run fleeing from hackers, wasting batteries and countermeasures in the process. Should I be turning on my enemies and killing them instead of running? Corsairs in Legionaries are no joke to a Clydesdale.

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 8:37 am

As I hoped, my Cavalier and my little nest egg (80k or so) were enough to get me through mission 7. I'm now level 13 and will get the Dragon, or another comperable fighter, and then wait for the Anubis as you advised.

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